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    2022 Turbo Creo SL Comp E5



    20 리뷰

    우리는 오랜 세월 동안 세계에서 가장 성능이 뛰어난 로드 자전거를 개발해 왔습니다. 타막, 벤지, 루베, 알레, 다이버지, 이 각각은 업계 최고의…

    #작년에 이어 2023 그란폰도 어워드 1위
    5년 연속 '베스트 브랜드'로 선정

    #작년에 이어 2023 그란폰도 어워드 1위

    라이더들이 선택한 로드 자전거. 스페셜라이즈드가 5년 연속으로 ”드롭바 자전거 브랜드”로 선정되어 2023년 권위 있는 그란폰도 베스트 브랜드 어워드에서 5년 연속 1위를 차지했습니다. 라이더를 위해 해마다 늘 혁신을 거듭하고 있는 스페셜라이즈드의 자전거는 가장 안목 있는 라이더들에게 사랑받고 있습니다. 감사합니다!

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    우리는 오랜 세월 동안 세계에서 가장 성능이 뛰어난 로드 자전거를 개발해 왔습니다. 타막, 벤지, 루베, 알레, 다이버지, 이 각각은 업계 최고의 기술을 갖추고 저마다의 카테고리를 지배했습니다. 이 명성을 유지하기는 쉽지 않은 일이지만, 터보 크리오 SL은 전기 로드 자전거의 퍼포먼스를 새롭게 정의합니다. 가볍고, 부드러우며, 지형돌파력이 강하고 힘이 넘치는 이 자전거는 험준한 산악 지형이나 거센 역풍에도 굴하지 않고 라이더가 상상한 그 이상을 이뤄냅니다. 더 빨라진 것은 당신입니다.

    • The Creo SL is the lightest e-bike in its class—literally kilograms lighter than the competition. Not only does the lightweight and stiff, premium E5 alloy frame inspire dancing on the pedals and diving into corners, it also reduces overall system weight and increases the range.

    • 크리오 SL은 동급 최경량 전기 자전거입니다. 경쟁 제품에 비해 말 그대로 몇 킬로그램은 더 가볍습니다. 가벼우면서도 단단한 프리미엄 E5 알로이 프레임은 라이더에게 강력한 힘 전달력과 코너링을 제공하고, 시스템 무게를 전반적으로 낮춰서 주행 거리를 늘려 줍니다.

    • 경량 SL 1.1 모터는 최대 240와트에 달하는 힘을 자랑하여 보다 강력한 주행감을 실현합니다. 모터의 반응성 뛰어난 토크 커브는 라이더의 평상시 라이드 케이던스와 완벽하게 조화를 이루도록 힘을 공급하며 작동 중이 아닐 때에도 아무런 저항이 느껴지지 않습니다.

    • 배터리가 걱정되신다고요? 크리오 SL에서는 그럴 필요 없습니다. 내장 배터리로 최대 130km까지 주행할 수 있는 크리오 SL은 충전 없이도 며칠 동안 탈 수 있습니다. 추가 제품인 레인지 익스텐더를 사용하면 강력한 힘을 65km 더 누릴 수 있습니다.

    • 우리의 미션 컨트롤 앱과 연결하면 SL 1.1 모터를 라이드 스타일에 맞게 조정하고, 라이드를 기록하고, 배터리를 모니터링할 수 있습니다. 이 앱은 배터리 관리를 자동으로 설정할 수 있어서 배터리가 필요할 때 최대한 오래 지속됩니다. 이 모터에는 ANT+ 헤드 유닛으로 전송되는 파워 미터도 내장되어 있습니다. 연결하고 싶지 않다고요? 걱정 마세요. 상부 튜브의 터보 커넥트 유닛(TCU)으로 라이드에 필요한 모든 제어를 하실 수 있습니다.

    • 거친 노면에도 굴하지 않는 20mm 길이의 트래블을 갖춘 퓨처 샥 1.5는 더 부드럽고 편안한 라이드를 실현할 뿐만 아니라 험한 지형에서도 피로를 줄이고 속도는 높여 줍니다. 한편, 신형 스무스 부트는 헤드튜브부터 스템까지의 외관을 깔끔하게 정리해 주어 모델을 보기 좋게 만듭니다.

    기술적 특징

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    Specialized SL 1.1, custom lightweight motor


    Specialized SL1-320, fully integrated, 320Wh


    Specialized TCU, 10-LED State of charge, 3-LED Ride Mode display, ANT+/Bluetooth®


    Custom charger, 48V System w/ SL system charger plug

    Wiring Harness

    Custom Specialized wiring harness w/ chargeport



    Specialized E5 Premium Aluminum frame, Open Road Geometry, front/rear thru-axles, fully integrated down tube battery, internal cable routing, fender/rack mounts, Boost™ 12x148mm

    시트 바인더

    Alloy, 30.8mm



    Future Shock 1.5 w/ Smooth Boot, Boost™ 12x110mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc


    앞 브레이크

    Shimano 105, Hydraulic disc

    뒤 브레이크

    Shimano 105, Hydraulic disc


    변속 레버

    Shimano GRX 810 hydraulic brake levers, mechanical shifting

    뒤 드레일러

    Shimano GRX810 , Shadow Plus, 11-speed


    Sunrace, 11-speed, alloy spider, 11-42t


    KMC X11 Extra Lightweight, 11-speed


    Praxis Forged/M30 Spindle Interface



    Wheels & Tires

    리어 휠

    DT R470 Boost, 12x148mm

    앞 타이어

    Specialized Turbo Pro, 700x28mm

    프론트 휠

    DT R470 Boost, 12x110mm

    뒤 타이어

    Specialized Turbo Pro, 700x28mm


    Presta valve, 48mm



    Future Stem, Comp


    Specialized Hover Comp, Alloy, 125mm Drop, 75mm Reach w/Di2 Hole


    Roubaix S-Wrap


    Body Geometry Power Sport, steel rails


    Carbon, single-bolt, 27.2mm

    * 무게는 그림과 같이 도색된 프레임 기준입니다. 색상, 프레임 크기, 구성 요소의 차이에 따라 실제 무게는 달라질 수 있습니다. 사양은 사전 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다.


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    Crank Length170mm172.5mm172.5mm175mm175mm
    Handlebar Width400mm420mm420mm440mm440mm
    Stem Length90mm100mm100mm110mm110mm
    Saddle Width155mm143mm143mm143mm143mm
    Seatpost Length350mm350mm400mm400mm400mm
    Head-Tube Length145.5mm163.5mm185.5mm217mm250mm
    Head-Tube Angle72°72.5°73°73°73°
    B-B Height264.5mm267mm267mm269.5mm269.5mm
    B-B Drop80.5mm78mm78mm75.5mm75.5mm
    Fork Length (full)390mm390mm390mm390mm390mm
    Fork Rake/Offset50mm50mm50mm50mm50mm
    Chain-Stay Length426mm426mm427mm427mm428mm
    Top-Tube Length (horizontal)539mm548mm566mm581mm605mm
    Bike Stand-Over Height731mm759mm782mm810mm840mm
    Seat-Tube Length447.5mm477.5mm502.5mm527.5mm557.5mm
    Seat-Tube Angle74°74°73.5°73.5°73°

    라이더 구매후기


    20 리뷰


    Great bike, design flaw

    I love my Creo E5 but it seems to have a design flaw. The chain of pops off the chainring when in the smallest cassette cog, sometimes even when I’m not pedaling. The mechanic at the local Specialize bike shop says this is common with this bike. He recommended going from a 42 tooth chainring to a 48. It cost me about $300 to correct this design error. Mike


    도움이 되셨습니까?

    This bike is FANTASTIC!

    I have been a serious cyclist for 52 years. However, I now have nerve damage in my leg & can no longer stand on the pedals or climb hills much over 7%. I wanted something that did not look like an e-bike. After much research, I chose the Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp E5. This thing is amazing! It is very easy to pedal once moving. There is no resistance from the motor at all when it is off. The only time it feels heavy is when moving it around to park it (mine is 35 lbs with bottle and pack). I like to push myself when on the bike. Therefore, I set the motor assist to compensate for the extra 13 pounds it weighs over my steel road bike. I first tried the motor=10 & ease=25. It was too easy for me. I now use motor=10 & ease=20. As a result, I am getting INSANE total range out of the battery (no battery extender). I get 430-500 mi range. So far, I have ridden it 13 times (428 mi), topped it off in the charger twice, & have never gotten below 44% charge on the battery.


    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Best bike for rehab - wish I did it sooner!

    I messed up my knee a few years back and it just wasn't getting better.  I could ride a Peloton for 15 mins and everything would feel fine - 2 days later I could barely walk.  Thought I'd have to give up cycling for good. Found some quad exercises that built me back enough to ride my old bike again. Once a week, increasing slowly from 6mi to 15.  Sore for a week, but happy to be out again.  Riding time was 90 mins, lunch in-between.  Was getting better, but still limited to flat parts as the hills near me were just too steep. After a few tests, I did my old 40mi ride and came back with 18% battery - assist on the entire time.  The next week, 30%, turning it off occasionally. Each week, turning if off more and more. 50%... 60%, and yesterday got back with 79%, only having used it for really steep or long hills.  My total moving time yesterday was 3h 20 mins (lunch in the middle) and it's just getting better and better.  This bike is amazing and has me cycling again!



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Changed my life

    I'm 71, have been riding a Lightspeed for 30 years. Time has caught up with me, and my rides were getting harder and shorter. I bought this bike a month ago and can hardly stop riding. Back to many of my jarder favorite rides. I just love this bike.



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Game changer

    I'm in my early 70's and have been an avid bike rider for nearly 40 years. 3K miles per year. The past year or two, I've really slowed down, to the point where my rides are shorter and I avoid some of my favorite hilly rides. I took the jump to this bike, and it has really changed my life. The joy of riding is back, I'm doing longer rides again and loving it. It took a little while to get over the idea that I was getting some assist, but I' so happy that I made the jump. I just went out for a ride on my old Light Speed, and it was torture again, so I guess I'll donate it to a younger rider. I can't recommend this bike strongly enough.



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Amazing Ride Minor Tweaks

    Wanted to rate 4.5 but half stars are not possible. Perfect for making my 32 mile round trip commute more manageable and way faster than my standard road bike. Love that it's pedal assist and not just a throttle, and has the look and feel of a road bike, I was not interested in a giant utility style ebike. Did not receive 5 stars because the pedal assist level button is on the top tube, but an after market remote can put buttons on the handlebars. After installing that remote I would stress it is a must have and really should be part of the stock build, the change in ride is night and day. On downhills or long straight aways I wish I had one more gear to really speed along. Overall an amazing bike I would highly recommend.


    도움이 되셨습니까?

    great bike

    Love this bike. Its heavy but you have a motor. I did a 25 mile ride with power on and motor off. The bike rolled smooth just like my carbon road bike. The gearing is great so even on smaller hills I easily got over without power. Even if my battery died I feel I could do every hill that I can do on my carbon bike because of the low gearing. when you hit the big hills on a ride I just use power. I did 65 miles with 3000 feet of climbing on my first 3 rides to test the battery. I ran out off power as I pulled into yard. I am 240 pounds so I feel getting 65 miles is great and this is before I knew I could turn motor off so I was on eco mode on all the flat sections and sport and turbo on hills. I tuned mission control settings. I have overall setting in eco. Fine tune settings are eco support 25, power 25, sport is 50%-50% and turbo is 100%100%.


    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Fantastic bike

    All-around fantastic bike. This is one of the best purchase I ever made. I hope to keep this bike for many years to come, and it is very sturdy and smooth ride good for all ages and entry level to expert!


    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Game changer

    Absolute game changer. I was looking for a bike that would get me back out after nearly 2 years. Having Arthur Itus in my knees makes it difficult to climb step hills/rises, but the motor makes it so much easier. Over the 15mph assistance you do the work, so you still get a workout when you increase your speed. The ride is smooth with the future shock.


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    Robert C.

    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Superb bike (until it was stolen)

    There is nothing not to like about this bike. I am 83 and was looking for an e-bike that I could easily lift onto my bike rack; I believe I was told this bike weighs 33 pounds and it was an easy lift for me. The bike has great power assist when needed. I normally cruise at the first setting about 15 mph and managed to get it up to 35 mph when riding down a steep hill from a reservoir near my home. Now that it has been stolen, I am shopping for a replacement. Chuck



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Astounding experience

    When you graduate from your conventional Specialized road bike (ALR-4 for me) to the Creo (SL for me) you are transformed into a 29yr old (now 74yr for me) endurance speedster. You know when your moving along your favorite roads at 11-14mph and the young boys and girls pass you at 16-18mph like your standing still? WELL, NOT NO MORE FOLKS! Riding at my normal tempo 80rpm I am averaging 17.9mph on 15-40 mile rides. The only indication I have is I get home so much sooner and the two dogs on my ride can’t even get close to me. I thought the computer was off? Holy cow. Range anxiety? I have more worry with my cell phone battery and my EV battery than I do with the Creo. On flat with rolling hills I average about 1 to 1-1/2% per mile usage. I even took my charger and extension cord in a pannier for first 10 rides. Not no more! The battery charge lasts longer if you are 65mph or more. I use Turbo to cross roads and highways at 2-way stop signs or very windy climbs. NEVER GOING BACK!!



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    5000 mile update

    I have had the Turbo Creo SL EB 5 Comp for about 8 months and have 5000 mikes of great riding. I’m 72 years old and ride 60- 72 miles regularly. My longest ride has been 75 miles with 2500 feet of climbing. My longest climbing ride was 65 miles with 3700 feet of climbing. I have not ran out of battery yet. I have been riding with 18 to 19.5 mph average speed on all my rides. I keep up with 40 year olds. I still get sn excellent work out and have lost close to 15 pounds riding this bike. I am planning on a Century ride in the next month and with Mission Control I have complete confidence that I will have battery to spare. I highly recommend this bike. The Specialized tag line of “You only Faster” is completely true.



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Tesla of E Bikes

    Fantastic bike I have not had any issues or lag with any of the electrical components overall fantastic!



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Ich bin mit dem Turbo

    Ich bin mit dem Turbo Creo SL Comp mehr als zufrieden. Dieses ist mein erstes E-Bike und das Fahrgefühl ist fantastisch, egal welche Antriebsstärke ist eingestellt habe. Wenn ich mehr als 25 km/h fahre, muss ich nicht gegen einen Widerstand antreten. Mit der Reichweite des Akkus bin ich auch zufrieden. Nach Bestellung des Rades war diese sehr schnell beim Händler ausgliedert. Die


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    Marco G.

    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Awesome Machine - More Miles More Smiles

    I bought this bike essentially so that I could get my commute to work going again after our premises moved from 15Km to 50Km from home, the hilly 2h30 ride unassisted getting to work after riding full tilt and pouring perspiration just wasn't feasible, I needed a Z2/Z3 ride under 2hours, this has given me that and after just one ride from work I can already feel the relief of stress (especially the traffic stress). On top of that I did a 97Km race this weekend and ended with plenty battery, a gravel ride a day ago which included some fairly rough sections it handled these like a dream (I put the sawtooth tyres on), sure it's not an MTB but I was wowed with it's capability. Since starting to ride I can honestly say this has been one of my best investments in both my physical and mental wellbeing. More Miles More Smiles!!!



    도움이 되셨습니까?


    Picked up the bike yesterday. Dealer was excellent in setting up the bike with the specs from my previous bike fit. My first ride was today. Took it out for a nice test run. 46 miles and 800 feet of climbing with a 4-5 mph headwind returning. It only used 43% battery, I have the range extender on it. My avg speed was 18.5mph and top speed was 30.5. It was a fun ride. I mainly stayed in Eco mode with about 5 miles of Sprt mode and 1/2 mile of Turbo. At one point going into the wind for about 3 miles I was going 25-27 mph in Sport mode and at the end of that segment I noticed that I was pulling six other riders. The bike rides very smooth and handles effortlessly. I’m 71 years old and this bike is exiting. Highly recommend.



    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Awesome bike! Great shipping options

    Awesome bike! Great shipping options to Alaska through local bike shops.


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    Guest G.

    도움이 되셨습니까?

    First electric bike and what

    First electric bike and what a great choice. I love this bike.


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    Tim A.

    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Gêne auditive

    Je trouve que le moteur est quand même un peu bruyant par rapport à d'autres vélos équipés d'un moteur bosch par exemple !!! Sinon pour le reste rien à redire ! Super vélo !!! J'aimerai connaître son poids réel ! Cordialement


    도움이 되셨습니까?

    Immediate additions of power remotes

    Immediate additions of power remotes and range extender plus gravel tires made this an excellent all round grinder for Idahos mountain riding.


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    Guest G.

    도움이 되셨습니까?

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