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Allez Sprint ramset

20 000,00 kr

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Vi skapade helt nya Allez Sprint genom att demolera Tarmac SL7. Vi tog isär Tarmac…


Gloss Charcoal Tint Strata / Fog Tint

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Vi skapade helt nya Allez Sprint genom att demolera Tarmac SL7. Vi tog isär Tarmac helt och byggde upp den igen men i aluminium med vår Smartweld-teknik. Vi tog alla innovationer och allt vi lärde oss utvecklingen av Tarmac för att skapa denna nya Allez Sprint. Oavsett om du jagar en SM-titel eller om du lägger in en spurt 15 minuter in på en ”lättsam söndagsrunda" med kompisarna skulle i alla fall inte vi ta illa upp om någon misstar Allez för en Tarmac SL7. Vissa kanske kallar den för kolfiberns kopia, vi kallar den världens första supercykel i aluminium. Sätt igång bygget med det helt nya Allez Sprint ramsetet. Utrustat med Tarmac SL7 FACT kolfibergaffel och sadelstolpe. Kompatibelt med både tempostyren och traditionella styrstammar och styren, med elektrisk eller mekanisk drivlina och kommer med gängat vevlager. Resten är upp till dig.

  • The Allez Sprint is the fastest alloy road bike in history, thanks to the time its sibling, the Tarmac SL7, spent in the wind. It’s details like the most complex alloy head tube we’ve ever made and integrated cables that make it 41 seconds faster over 40km than the previous Allez Sprint. That’s a hell of a facelift. With 41 seconds, you’d have a podium picture in your Insta feed, just saying.

  • Whether you’re launching a sprint out of the final corner or attacking from the gun like a young Italian at the Giro, the Allez Sprint, with its one-piece bottom bracket and downtube, delivers the ruthless efficiency of alloy with unprecedented stability. By balancing power at the pedals with input at the bars, the Allez Sprint keeps you fast and confident on the limit.

  • Dive for the winning gap, bang elbows in the final meters, dissect the most technical descents, all without feeling like you’ve gone ten rounds with the heavyweight champ. Dropped seat stays, and the Tarmac SL7’s carbon seat post and fork make the Allez Sprint supple in the saddle and precise at the bars—all with Tarmac SL7's World Championship-proven geometry. It’s as comfy as it is beautiful. Well, almost.

  • One innovation over any other helps us deliver the new Allez Sprint’s aerodynamics, power transfer, and handling—Smartweld. Making the fastest bikes in the world out of carbon wasn’t hard enough. We hydroformed the bottom bracket and down tube from a single piece of alloy, built our most complex alloy head tube ever, and then put it all together with Smartweld. It’s what makes the Allez Sprint the first alloy super bike.

Tekniska specifikationer

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Specialized E5 Premium Aluminum Disc frame with D'Aluisio Smartweld Sprint Technology, hydroformed aluminum tubing, tapered head tube, fully internally routed cables, threaded BB



FACT Carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc



2021 S-Works Tarmac Carbon seat post, FACT Carbon, 20mm offset


Allez Sprint seat collar






2.18 kg (4 lb, 12.9 oz)

Vägd storlek


*Vikter baserade på produktion av målade ramar som avbildas. Faktiska vikter kommer att variera beroende på färgsättning, ramstorlek och komponentvariation. Specifikationer kan ändras utan förvarning.


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Seatpost Length300mm300mm300mm300mm380mm380mm
BB Height266mm266mm268mm268mm268mm268mm
Fork Length, Full366mm366mm366mm366mm366mm366mm
Front Center575mm578mm580mm592mm607mm614mm
Chainstay Length410mm410mm410mm410mm410mm410mm
Bike Standover Height735mm755mm765mm795mm815mm835mm
Head Tube Length105mm115mm133mm153mm180mm200mm
Seat Tube Length470mm495mm510mm530mm550mm570mm
BB Drop74mm74mm72mm72mm72mm72mm
Seat Tube Angle75.5°74°74°73.5°73.5°73°
Head Tube Angle71.75°72.5°73°73.5°74°73.5°
Fork Rake/Offset47mm47mm44mm44mm44mm44mm
Top Tube Length, Horizontal509mm532mm541mm563mm578mm596mm

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Trainer Usage Addendum to the Bicycle Owner's Manual

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