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S-Works Stumpjumper EVO är mycket mer än bara en stigcykel; den är byggd för fullt…
S-Works Stumpjumper EVO är mycket mer än bara en stigcykel; den är byggd för fullt ös nerför de stökigaste stigarna. Med en helt ny design, justerbar gaffelvinkel, 150 mm prestandafokuserad slaglängd och valmöjligheten med S-storlekarna så är det här ett monster. S-Works Stumpjumper EVO - get rowdy.
Den här S-Works Stumpjumper EVO-ramen är det perfekta tomma bladet för att skapa ditt mästerverk. Gör ditt drömbygge till verklighet och dra ut på stigarna med stil.
Vad behövs mellan ett 29-tums framhjul och ett 27,5-tums bakhjul? Ett Stumpjumper EVO S-Works blir perfekt. Med en mullet-setup får du all fördelaktig hantering och grepp från 29:an samtidigt som manövrerbarheten i ett mindre bakhjul, vilket resulterar i en kvick och lekfull känsla. Den känner sig som hemma i bikeparken och är redo för fullt ös på stigarna.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
What do you get when you pair a 29-inch front wheel with a 27.5-inch rear wheel? The Stumpjumper EVO S-Works Frameset, that’s what. With all of the traction and handling benefits of a 29er, but with a smaller, more maneuverable rear wheel, this mullet setup suits a more jibby, playful style. It’s right at home at the bike park, and is a total blast to cut loose with on the trail.
Hur mycket slaglängd man än har är den oanvändbar utan rätt dämpningsinställningar och kinematik. För den nya Stumpjumper EVO prioriterade vi kinematikens prestanda. Vi tog med oss kunskapen från utvecklignen av Enduron och följde sen upp med över 1000 timmars testning i labb och i fält, för att förbättra prestandan i pedalerna och för att göra Stumpjumper EVO smidigare, lekfullare och mer kapabel. Vi har ökat anti-squat så att dämpningen är mer neutral när du trampar och vidare förbättrat hur dämpningens prestanda vid fyrkantiga islag. Slutsats? Det här monstret går hårt åt stigen, inte dina ben.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
All the travel in the world is useless without the proper shock tuning and kinematics. For the new Stumpjumper EVO design, we prioritized kinematic performance. Applying lessons learned while developing the Enduro, then following that with more than 1,000 hours of field and suspension lab development, we’ve not only improved the pedaling performance of the Stumpjumper, but we’ve made it more capable, agile, and lively. We increased anti-squat, so the suspension better resists pedal bob, and we further improved bump performance on square-edge hits. Bottom line? This thing shreds trails, not legs.
S-storleksgeometrin i nya Stumpjumper EVO är den mest proggressiva hittills. Lång, låg, kort offset-gaffel, brantare sadelstolpsvinkel – allt du behöver för modern och framåtsträvande cykling. Men alla kör inte på samma sätt och det är därför geometrin på nya Stumpjumper EVO går att justera med sex olika inställningar. Du kan justera vevlagerhöjden med 10 mm, gaffelvinkeln med två grader och göra dessa justeringar oberoende av varandra.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
The S-Sizing geometry of the new Stumpjumper EVO is our most progressive yet. Long, low, slack, short offset fork, steeper seat tube angle – these are requirements for modern progressive riding. But not everyone jibs the same way, which is why the geo on the new Stumpjumper EVO is fully adjustable with six different settings. You can adjust the BB height by 10mm, you can adjust your head angle by two-degrees, and you can make these adjustments independently of each other.
Storlekarna på ramarna som tillverkats med Rider-First Engineered™ är anpassade efter körstil, för att förbättra hanteringen och ge fläckfri prestation oberoende av ram och cyklistens storlek. Oavsett om man är en hopp- och lek-fantast med en S1 eller är en downhill-gigant och behöver en S6 i backen kommer man att uppleva samma egenskaper i cyklingen – den är grym i knivskarpa kurvor, har balanserad styvhet fram och bak och så är den så lätt som det bara går.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
Rider-First Engineered™ frames use a size-specific approach to ride characteristics that ensures benchmark handling and flawless performance, regardless of frame or rider size. Whether you’re a jump-happy grom riding an S1, or a DH-fiend giant in need of the lengthy S6, you’ll experience the same ride traits – rail-sharp cornering and balanced front and rear stiffness – at the lightest-possible weight.
SWAT™-luckan kom först på Stumpjumper 2016 och gav utrymme INUTI ramen för ”skit man behöver”, som pumpar och extraslangar. Plötsligt behövdes inte fickor på tröjan.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those “oh sh**t” necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant.
FACT 11m carbon chassis and rear-end, asymmetrical design, 29/27.5 Trail Geometry, SWAT™ Door integration, head tube angle adjustment, horst pivot BB adjustment, threaded BB, fully enclosed internal cable routing, 12x148mm dropouts, sealed cartridge bearing pivots, replaceable derailleur hanger, 150mm of travel
Alloy, 38.6mm
FOX FLOAT X2 Factory, Rx Trail Tune, 2-position open/firm lever, HSC, LSC, HSR, and LSR adjustment, S1:210x50mm, S2-S6:210x55mm
3.32kg (7 lb, 5.1 oz)
Vägd storlek
*Vikter baserade på produktion av målade ramar som avbildas. Faktiska vikter kommer att variera beroende på färgsättning, ramstorlek och komponentvariation. Specifikationer kan ändras utan förvarning.
S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | |
Seatpost Length | 0mm | |||||
Headtube Angle | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° | 64.5° |
Front Center | 732mm | 756mm | 780mm | 809mm | 838mm | 873mm |
Reach | 408mm | 428mm | 448mm | 475mm | 498mm | 528mm |
BB Height | 335mm | 340mm | 340mm | 340mm | 340mm | 340mm |
Chainstay Length | 436mm | 436mm | 436mm | 436mm | 446mm | 446mm |
Trail | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm | 131mm |
Wheelbase | 1165mm | 1189mm | 1214mm | 1245mm | 1283mm | 1317mm |
BB Drop | 40mm | 35mm | 35mm | 35mm | 35mm | 35mm |
Bike Standover Height | 733mm | 764mm | 763mm | 762mm | 767mm | 770mm |
Seat Tube Angle | 78° | 77.6° | 77.2° | 76.9° | 77° | 77° |
Fork Rake/Offset | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm | 44mm |
Top-tube Length (horizontal) | 538mm | 564mm | 590mm | 623mm | 647mm | 679mm |
Max Seatpost Insertion | 180mm | 180mm | 200mm | 220mm | 240mm | 260mm |
Min Seatpost Insertion | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm | 80mm |
Headtube Length | 95mm | 95mm | 105mm | 115mm | 125mm | 135mm |
Fork Length (full) | 561mm | 571mm | 571mm | 571mm | 571mm | 571mm |
Stack | 613mm | 617mm | 626mm | 635mm | 644mm | 654mm |
Seat Tube Length | 385mm | 385mm | 405mm | 425mm | 445mm | 465mm |
Säkerhetsvarningar finns tillgängliga i dokumentationen i avsnittet ”Ladda ner användarmanualer” på den här sidan.
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