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    Sensor ANGi Crash

    R$ 279,00


    94 Avaliações

    Nosso novo sensor ANGi Crash proporciona a você e a seus entes queridos uma tranquilidade…

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    How ANGi Works

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    Nosso novo sensor ANGi Crash proporciona a você e a seus entes queridos uma tranquilidade inédita - quando usado em conjunto com nosso app Specialized Ride (iOS ou Android) e em qualquer capacete de ciclismo do mundo. Ao detectar uma batida, o sensor inicia uma contagem regressiva. Se você estiver bem, terá tempo para desativá-lo, do contrário, uma mensagem de alerta será enviada para seus contatos de emergência junto com a sua última localização de GPS identificada, avisando que você precisa de ajuda. E se você estiver sem sinal? O ANGi tem um plano para isso. Basta você determinar o tempo estimado do seu pedal antes de sair para um local que você saiba que pode ficar sem sinal. Assim, se você não tiver finalizado o seu pedal dentro do tempo estimado, o ANGi enviará uma notificação aos seus contatos com a sua última localização identificada.

    #ANGi Crash Sensor

    • O Sensor ANGi é um rastreador de pedal, detector de batidas e um beacon de segurança.

    • Inclui código de ativação única.

    • Detecta situações perigosas a partir do impacto sentido e reporta ao app Specialized Ride que notifica seus contatos de emergência com suas coordenadas geográficas.

    • Encaixa nos capacetes Specialized ANGi-ready e em na maioria dos outros capacetes com o adaptador universal ANGi.

    • Bateria 2032 com tempo de vida de aproximadamente 6 meses.

    • Peso: 10 gramas com a bateria.

    Avaliações dos Ciclistas


    94 Avaliações



    Activation is inconsistent. Had a head bouncing off the ground crash with going off. When it does go off it can only be cancelled with phone, it ignores cancellation from the Wahoo head unit.


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    Great idea...

    But I recently had a crash, and it did nothing... Great idea, but it did not work when I needed it :-(


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    ANGI Sensor not working now

    Bought this some years ago and it worked flawlessly for a long time. Sadly, this is no longer working. I've tried multiple phones and multiple ANGI sensors at my local bike shop. All failed. Currently waiting for an update to the App which hopefully will fix this. Despite it's previous excellent status I can no longer recommend this.


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    Ótimo produto

    Produto de ótima qualidade


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    Sensor ANGI

    Excelente producto y de muy buena calidad, funciona a la perfección y la entrega muy rápida. Muy recomendado

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    Carlos C.

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    ANGi Crash Sensor

    Have been using the ANGi Crash Sensor on my helmet since mid-2021 without any issues. Was easy to install the RIDE app on my Android Samsung S22 phone. The sensor on your helmet sounds for about 30 seconds before your phone texts to your designated emergency contact. The text message indicates that an impact incident has occurred and specifies your location via a map with coordinates. And it has worked for me as advertised! Bought one for my wife too.

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    Muy útil!!!

    Muy útil!!!

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    Luciano M.

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    Great idea....but doesnt work!

    I cant get this to stay connected to my phone for more than a few seconds....ive a Samsung A33. Also battery life is terrible....seems to last max 1 day.....would love to like, as great idea....but terrible implementation!


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    Excelente e indispensável

    Um recurso que faz toda diferença no meu pedal, trazendo segurança e um bem-estar para a minha esposa e meus familiares. Super indico.

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    Clêrton M.

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    Muy bueno

    Me ha salido muy bueno, no me he caído pero cada vez que tomo el casco se activa la luz del sensor que indica que está en funcionamiento

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    Mauricio B.

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    Después de haber tenido un accidente, decidí comprar el dispositivo, el cual se me ha hecho bastante útil para informar a mis contactos de emergencia sobre cualquier accidente. Cuando salgo les manda un correo donde pueden seguir en tiempo real mi ruta y en caso de accidente les envía un SMS.

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    Grisel L.

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    systéme de fixation

    le capteur doit être collé sur le casque, ce qui ne permet pas de le déplacer d'un casque à l'autre (VTT/route). De plus tous les casques ne l'acceptent pas malgré un emplacement dédié. Attention abonnement payant au bout d'un an.

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    Frédéric A.

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    Es muy útil

    Se lo recomiendo a la gente porque esto puede salvar vidas


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    Vivement recommandé, à petit prix pour votre santé. ABE


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    Excelente producto tuve un accidente

    Excelente producto tuve un accidente y se activo realmente muy recomendable

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    Diego N.

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    Útil y seguro

    Brinda seguridad en trayectos urbanos y de mucho tráfico.

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    Nicolás M.

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    Muy buena calidad y funcionamiento

    Muy buena calidad y funcionamiento

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    Guest G.

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    Sensor cumpre o prometido.

    Ótimo sensor, ele é discreto, funciona perfeitamente bem e com agilidade. Chegou em 6 dias corridos, e bem embalado!


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    Jorge V.

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    Creo que es un sistema de seguridad adaptable a todos los cascos de ciclismo y que ofrece interesantes prestaciones.

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    Guest G.

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    Good piece of kit once

    Good piece of kit once I got it set up. Light and unintrusive. Had to put a new battery in after one ride.

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    Guest G.

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    Otro equipamiento más de seguridad,

    Otro equipamiento más de seguridad, para aquellos que nos esperan en casa en cada salida es fundamental.

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    Guillermo C.

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    Sehr gute Sache zu einem

    Sehr gute Sache zu einem erschwinglichen Preis.

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    Guest G.

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    sensor funciona super rápido!

    sensor funciona super rápido!

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    Leandro R.

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    Produto de excelente qualidade e

    Produto de excelente qualidade e utilidade!

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    Guest G.

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    I unfortunately had a crash

    I unfortunately had a crash Thanksgiving day resulting in a significant concussion, among other injuries. ANGI worked as advertised and notified my wife instantly of the crash and my location. She called my riding buddy and was assured that he was taking care of me and had notified EMS. Had I been alone, my wife could have used the coordinates sent to her by ANGI to get me help. I was so impressed with this device, I ordered 2 of them as Christmas gifts for my nephew and riding buddy. More riders should be made aware of this device. Thank you Specialized.

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    Guest G.

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    Muito eficiente, cumpre o objetivo.

    Muito eficiente, cumpre o objetivo.

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    José S.

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    Muy contento va genial

    Muy contento va genial

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    Eusebio C.

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    Super good

    Super good

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    Guest G.

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    Funciona de forma perfeita.

    Funciona de forma perfeita.

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    Adriano D.

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    Hace lo que promete

    Hace lo que promete

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    Guest G.

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    Tremendo gadget para salir a

    Tremendo gadget para salir a explorar

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    Rafael O.

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    Es bueno, el inconveniente es

    Es bueno, el inconveniente es que la bateria se gasta muy rapido.

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    Guest G.

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    Muy Util y sencilo de

    Muy Util y sencilo de usar. se adapta a cualquier casco

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    Luis R.

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    Excelente producto y muy económico

    Excelente producto y muy económico

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    Carlos R.

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    Me están jodiendo por que

    Me están jodiendo por que no responden mis otros comentarios últ me ayudan a mi !

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    Guest G.

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    Excelente desde todo punto de

    Excelente desde todo punto de vista 👍

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    Guest G.

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    Le he dado poco uso,

    Le he dado poco uso, no es un equipo de batería recargable por lo cual se debe estar cambiando pila constantemente, poco después de comprarlo bajo su precio drásticamente

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    rafael b.

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    Oscar M.

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    Maybe OK for iPhones

    I can't speak to the experience of using this device with an iPhone. But while it worked great with my phone running Android 11, I've been unable to get it to stay connected for more than a few minutes with Android 12 (on two different phones, a Samsung and a OnePlus) after following all available troubleshooting suggestions, so be careful if you have a newer Android phone.


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    Extremely comfortable, light weight, I

    Extremely comfortable, light weight, I ride to work 6 days a week. Although it was a little on the pricey side, it’s definitely worth the cost. I highly recommend it.

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    Guest G.

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    Segunda compra pelo site e nas duas vezes o atendimento superou a expectativa, rápido envio com segurnça, qualidade de produtos, atendimento nota mil. Sigo comprando..Parabéns!

    Comprador Verificado

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    Awesome devise & I use

    Awesome devise & I use ANGI on all of my helmets! Great way to stay connected for safety. I have three ANGI’s thus far & they work perfectly & the app is easy to set up & works very well! I don’t ride with ANGI!

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    Guest G.

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    Es muy útil para los q salimos solos a rodar q bueno felicidades

    Mauricio S.

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    Cumple con su funcionalidad, un aspecto a mejorar sería el de no tener que estar activando el sensor con el movimiento del casco ya que uno muchas veces se pone el casco y hay que quitarselo nuevamente para poder activar el dispositivo.

    Jorge G.

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    Es un dispositivo que toca descargar una app ( Ride) el cual tiene que pagar 23 euros el año después de la prueba gratuita ( 1 año) , antes de salir a rodar tiene que activarse en la app y este mandará un correo y un mensaje de texto a los números predeterminados en donde notifica el inicio y el final de su ruta y en que parte del camino va ( en vivo) , si existe un golpe fuerte este enviará un mensaje de texto a sus contactos que anteriormente dejó determinado ( todo esto funciona si lleva consigo el celular). Antes de pegarlo en el casco, se tiene que limpiar muy bien la superficie del casco ya que puede no pegarse de forma correcta y se caiga en la ruta ( dejar pegar por 24 horas ).

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    Excelente producto, aunqie creo que debería tener un accesorio para ponerlo en otros cascos y que sea una utilidad y se compraría mas


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    Purchased this ANGI Crash Sensor

    Purchased this ANGI Crash Sensor to go with my wife's new Ambush helmet. Already had purchased my own Ambush/ANGI combo after suffering a head injury while riding solo last year. We don't ride without the ANGI on our helmets anymore.

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    Guest G.

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    Sensor de impacto ANGi

    Es un excelente producto, practico, compacto y su batería promete larga duración (al rededor de 6 meses). Suelo salir a realizar mis rutas solo; así que puedo confiar que mis contactos estén al tanto bajo alguna eventualidad ¡Muy recomendado!


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    Good product, works as expected

    Good product, works as expected and great for peace of mknd

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    Guest G.

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    Great tech.

    Great tech.

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    Guest G.

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    Work great and sync well

    Work great and sync well with the app.

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    Alan F.

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    The item has a tendancey

    The item has a tendancey to not always connect to the app and only realising part way on a ride out. Which isn't much use if had accident early into the ride. When it's working, it's great. Gives the Mrs a sense of comfort to know if anything bad did happen she'd be alerted straight away. I think as the software develops and improve in stability it should be something everyone should consider purchasing.

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    Guest G.

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    Haven't needed it yet but

    Haven't needed it yet but seems like a no-brainer for me as I often ride alone on trails. Was easy to setup. Not sure how long the battery will last esp when the helmet is idle during long cold/hot weeks/months in my garage but at least you can see that its on and check with the app.

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    Kris R.

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    Es tranquilidad para el usuario wue recibiremos ayuda

    Anselmo S.

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    Great piece of mind for

    Great piece of mind for your loved ones.

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    larry o.

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    Funciona perfecto, se sincroniza sin problema con la aplicacion. lo recomiendo mucho, usenlo!!!

    Jesús D.

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    Awesome device

    Awesome device

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    Guest G.

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    Fortunately this hasn't come into

    Fortunately this hasn't come into play. But both my wife and I have assurances that should something bad happen she would be notified immediately.... Great product & concept!!! I have the sensor on all my helmets now.

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    Guest G.

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    I most often bike alone

    I most often bike alone and having the ANGi Sensor on my helmet gives me the assurance that should I have a bad crash, the sensor will let my contacts know so that help can be summoned. I would ride without it.

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    Dan O.

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    Pretty easy to set up

    Pretty easy to set up and gives good piece of mind on safety.

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    Robert K.

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    great safety product

    great safety product

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    Guest G.

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    Easy to set up… does

    Easy to set up… does what it advertise.

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    Guest G.

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    Basically worthless

    I liked the idea of this. So much so that I have put up with its problems for over two years. The product is probably worth less than nothing because it gives you a false sense of security. The times when I am riding and the Angi is actually connected to my phone and ELEMNT gps correctly is less than 50% of the time. I put up with it because I thought it was “just a software issue”. I thought the next app update or the next iOS or the next phone would fix the problems, so I just kept living with it. Sometimes it connects correctly, but most of the time my gps will say “Angi not connected”. I can get it to connect through some combination of force closing the app, restarting the phone, or taking the battery out of the Angi. But that may only last for 10 minutes before it disconnects again, or it may last the rest of the ride. I have no faith that if I actually get in to an accident that this will correctly do what it is supposed to do.


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    Lightweight. Easy to use.

    Lightweight. Easy to use.

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    Guest G.

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    Tudo certo


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    The only thing I would

    The only thing I would like to see is an option to auto start within the app, otherwise you have to turn on for each ride. If it had that it would be a 5 rating. Works well.

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    Guest G.

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    After a previous Specialized helmet

    After a previous Specialized helmet saved my life in a bike crash, I upgraded my replacement Specialized helmet with the ANGi crash sensor as an added measure of safety.

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    Kenneth H.

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    Produto sensacional, mas experiência de compra pelo site horrível.

    Indiscutivelmente o ANGI assim como quase todos os acessórios e bikes da specialized não deixam a desejar. Infelizmente eu não consigo recomendar a compra on-line pela péssima experiência que tive. Minha recomendação seria de ir a uma loja física ou comprar em algum e-commerce bacana.

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    Excelente produto.

    O produto atende plenamente as expectativas propostas, com seu funcionamento perfeito.

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    Carlos A.

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    Ein (muss) sollte man haben

    Wer gerne und/oder alleine downhill fährt, sollte man sich dieses Teil anlegen! Es funktioniert wirklich einwandfrei und gibt mir persönlich ein gutes Sicherheitsgefühl, wenn ich alleine unterwegs bin.


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    Peace of mind

    I had a very hard crash this summer on my mountain bike that basically shattered my old helmet. Luckily I was just stunned and laid there for a few minutes but when I bought a new helmet it had this feature. I almost always ride alone and its reassuring to my wife that I have it with. Luckily, its never had to text her yet. I'd like to get another one for my snowmobile helmet.


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    Incredible Performance

    I purchased this on my new helmet a couple of years ago, and aside from a number of periodic ""drop tests"" to ensure it was still working, and one false alarm when the battery ran out, I had not had a chance to try it for real until about 2 weeks ago. Then, I had a crash (luckily, not serious) and went down onto a grassy surface. Well, the alarm on the helmet went off immediately, and within a minute, my emergency contact was on my cell phone checking to make sure I was OK. This is a great product, and from my experience, it works as advertised! I will definitely be using this on all my helmets!


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    Tip for Android users

    Today, I bought Prevail 2 helmet and experience same Angi update issue on Android device as other persons here. Finally I solved it and steps are: 1. Open Ride App, 2. Open bluetooth menu on the phone, 3. Wake up Angi on your helmet (green diod), 4. Find Angi in your bluetooth menu and connect (my phone asked if I want to pair with Angi), 5. Go back to Ride App, it should ask if you want to update Angi, 6. Update, Hope it helps.


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    Great Workout Focus

    This device works great. The most important feature is the ability to track and provide analysis of your ride. In addition, it plots the route you take and sends it to your emergency contact. It is unfortunate that riders are having problems. My helmet worked from the moment I completed the input.

    Doho S.

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    It works as expected

    Works as expected, all the tests did work with ANGi crash control. Luckily did not had to us, it with a real crash. Would love to have it combined/integrated with the Mission Control APP for the Levo/Kenevo, so I get back my rider / motor information and only have to start one app.

    Geroge C.

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    So easy to use

    I have now bought three of the ANGi sensors (one for each of my helmets). They are a great safety backup in the event of an accident. Fit, fire-up and forget!


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    Good idea but needs work

    So far I have been pleased with the ANGI device, although I have not tried to reproduce a crash and make sure it will send a text to my emergency contact. My main complaint is that I have to have 2 apps open for my rides - Mission Control for my Turbo Levo emtb bike and the Ride app in order to use ANGI. Mission Control does not recognize the ANGI sensor. This seems like it should be a pretty straightforward software fix.


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    Not worth the trouble

    Angi came with my helmet; I thought it would be a nice safety enhancement, however it is more trouble than it is worth. The device eats batteries and constantly disconnects the synch from my Wahoo Bolt. The iPhone app (even when updated) isn't stable. I would not buy this product again, and am trying to figure out how to tell the Bolt to forget the sensor, but the option is not available.

    Md R.

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    No SMS Alert to Emergency Contact

    My wife made me buy an ANGi for her piece of mind. I set it up, downloaded the Ride app on my iPhone and gave it a test. Countdown on the app worked and it also sent an email to my wife who was the emergency contact. Problem was it did not send a SMS text despite my settings for the emergency contact having the right country code and number. Have tried deleting the emergency contact and setting it up multiple times, but my wife gets no SMS. Pretty disappointing as the product has good intentions but unfortunately has a few bugs.


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    Basic Function Works, The Rest Sucks

    I've had this two years now, and the app has presented frequent problems. At first, I couldn't even tell if the emergency alert function works, but after uninstall and reinstalling it several times over the two year span, that at least seems more reliable. The data is very unreliable: distance is 7-8% low compared to Ride withGPS, and altitude is ridiculous. I will gain altitude riding down a flat road. I would still recommend (very grudgingly) because the only other option is Garmin, and if you only need that for the emergency alert, it's not worth it. Specialized needs to fix this-it's a black mark on their brand.


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    Potential life saver

    I crashed hard, direct impact to the head. Helmet broke and so did shoulder blade/collarbone. While I did not lose consciousness, it alerted my wife before I was able to gather myself and find my phone to call her. She was already on the way by the time I called. So, I got to the ER probably 10 minutes faster. 10 minutes is a big deal in these kind of situations, even bigger if unconscious. It works. It's easy. It could save your life. I'll be buying another and another.


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    Excellent Product

    My wife purchased the ANGI as a Christmas gift. I have faithfully worn my helmet and ANGI on every ride. May 17th it proved its worth. I was attacked by a dog that ended up knocking me over. I hit my head on the pavement extremely hard, but my Echelon II saved me from a major head injury and the ANGI alerted my wife. I suffered bruises, scrapes and road rash and a fractured hip. My wife arrived at the scene and transported me to the ER in record time. I highly recommend the ANGI and a helmet for everyone. Thank you, Specialized, for an excellent product!

    Old C.

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    Disappointed with the Ride App

    The ANGI device and RIDE app work as designed for me. I can start the app, start a ride, slap my helmet to simulate an incident, the incident will trigger the countdown and alarm in the app, and the app reports the incident to my emergency contacts upon timeout. However, I don't like the design of the RIDE app. I have a Garmin bicycle computer to record my rides and if I want to use my phone to record my rides, I have more capable apps (e.g., Cyclemeter, RideWithGPS, Strava) to do so. Some folks may be fine with using the RIDE app to record their rides but I'd prefer that the app not need to be started and ride recorded to use ANGI. A better design would be for ANGI to work without starting the app. I'd like Specialized to look into incorporating the ability of the sensor to wake up the app if an incident is detected whether or not the the app has been started by the user--based on user setting selections.


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    I have been using the ANGI crash sensor for about 6 months now. Over that time the APP has been updated a few times, each time the changes made were needed, and beneficial. I use this when riding alone or with friends, even races. I ride alone many days a week for long hours and distances, so having this unit on my helmet is extremely helpful to let my loved ones know that I have started and ended my ride safely. At the start of a ride the APP will send out an email to my contacts in the APP stating I have started a ride, when I end my ride the APP send out another email stating ride finished. With that start email there is a link where they can track my ride anytime, I am actively riding, to see where I am. The ride finish email has a link to show my whole ride. The APP also has an ""Ride Time Alert"" option put in your estimated ride time 4:30 hours (this is based on moving time not overall time), should I go over the 4:30 ride time the APP will send a text to my contacts in the APP stating I am overdue. It shows them basically where I am at a given moment (based on the last ping sent thru the APP). Should I have a crash, the APP will send a text to those in the APP contact list with my GPS coordinates at the moment of the crash. The APP is user friendly, has a few other features (ride finder, Gear(bikes) shows your ride history, you can post to strava thru the APP as well. The ride finder is great to find local rides when I travel, I also use the feature to create local group rides that I host with my local bike shop. I have used this on road rides - races, gravel rides races, and MTB. I have not crashed yet with the ANGI running thankfully, however I have dropped my help while the ANGI was active and the ANGI alert system was activated I was able to cancel before a text was sent out. The ""Incident Alert Countdowns"" are in 15 seconds blocks up to 90 seconds Just remember if you don't start a ride the APP, no one will know your riding or if you should crash.

    David H.

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    ANGI Great would be perfect if it could stand alone

    outstanding. wish it had it's on radio/GPS so that the phone could be left at home. That said the piece of mind is crazy good. My wife gives it a thumbs Up and I get to ride a lone with out making her crazy. Definitely a plus!


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    I like the idea but it doesn't work right yet

    I love specialized, they make the best equipment. I am glad that they took a page out of the senior citizen medical fall device industry's play book, it has the potential to give some piece of mind to loved ones who believe cycling puts the riser at risk. It is a great idea. Their app fails regularly, meaning it crashes or simply decides it doesn't want to record. I share my location with Google maps because the app doesn't seem to track, only tracks from where I left, not helpful... I think the idea is great, all parts of the app need to work before I will actually believe that it do what it says. The only reason I would recommend this to a friend is because it ""might"" sense a crash and call for help immediately, rather than some time passing before someone notices you are missing.


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    Newer version of Icedot - don't be put off by other reviews

    So.. just had to say this to balance out the reviews that compare it to the old Icedot device.. It is literally 1/4 the price, so if you want to add to multiple helmets, then buy multiple units. if you need to mount onto a helmet that isn't made for it, use Sugru, make a place for it (use cling-film / Cello wrap if you want to sticky tape it into place rather than glue it permanently). All in, a great device :)


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    Update on Previous Review

    The Sensor works fine but the app is a pain. I've used it 5 times and the app locked up twice: the ride will start but the data will freeze midway and not respond to commands. The only way to unfreeze it is to uninstall and reload the app. If you take a trip with this thing bring your password or your out of luck.


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    Works on Giro Helmets

    Despite all the complaints in these reviews, the sensor still works on non-specialized helmets. I have a Giro, and there was no flat place on the plastic shell to stick the Angi. So I stuck it on the underneath lip directly against the polystyrene, and it holds well. There are a lot of benefits to the sensor: the obvious crash sensor function, my wife can track my ride which gives her some peace of mind, and the app has regular GPS functions and also alerts you of nearby organized rides. If it came with a mounting clip so it was transferable to other helmets I would have given it five stars.


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    Creditcard verplicht ook voor gratis jaar. Slechte zaak Specialized. Ik heb een Sagan Evade II gekocht met ANGI die ga ik dus niet gebruiken.

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    Hans M.

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    So far so good!

    This is one of those things that you hope you never have to use but provide peace of mind knowing it's there if you need it. I ride alone and it's good to know that this little gadget's got my back! Simple pairing and so far no issues connecting for every ride.


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    Cool Concept

    Well this is only a preliminary appraisal because harsh winter weather has limited my use of this cool, new device. But it is an elegant, simple tool. I use it on my own helmet and there is not problem in doing so. I especially like the feature of transmitting a departure and return trip email.


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    ANGI privacy gevoeligheid

    Ben een ZEER positief Specialized gebuiker en kan mij tot een echte FAN benoemen. Nu een SWORKS met ANGI gekocht, maar bij aanmelden blijkt dat je de creditcard gegevens volledig (dus met CCV) moet geven (ook bij gratis jaar), mijn bank raadt dit af. Dus ik ga het niet doen. Ook wordt het abo automatisch verlengd, dit is ook niet meer van deze tijd, een mail met vraag tot verlenging en betaling moet toch ook kunnen? Jammer, ik heb nu iets gekocht wat ik niet ga gebruiken of de voorwaarden moeten veranderen.

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