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    Om Specialized
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    The Next 50
    Intro1970'erne1980'erne1990'erne2000'erne2010'erne2010'erneThe Next 50
    1974 - 2024

    En 50-årig tradition for innovation

    Specialized ser frem til de næste 50 år

    Vi ser tilbage, så vi sammen kan Pedal the Planet Forward.


    Grundlæggelsen af vores brand


    Mike Sinyard tager på en cykelferie og kommer retur med en forretning

    Specialized blev grundlagt

    I 1974 solgte Mike sin VW bus for at kunne cykle gennem Europa. På sin tur opdagede han et hul i markedet og muligheden for at importere cykeldele af høj kvalitet til USA. Resten er historie.

    "I starten tog jeg en bevidst beslutning om at fokusere på rytterens behov for teknisk avancerede produkter, der giver præstationsfordele."
    - Mike Sinyard

    "De vigtigste centimeter på cyklen"

    Specialized Touring-dækket

    Efter to år med undersøgelser og udvikling blev Specialized Touring-dækket skabt – det var vores første produkt og det første high performance clincher-dæk.

    De er afgørende for din cykeltur

    Eftermæle fra det første Specialized Touring-dæk er stærk, det har både vundet verdensmesterskaber, olympisk guld og utallige andre sejre.


    Får flere cykler til verden


    Allez betyder "Kør"!

    De første cykler

    Mike arbejdede sammen med rammebyggeren Tim Neenan for at udvikle Specializeds første cykler, Sequoia og Allez – innovative, højtydende stålrammer fremstillet i Japan.

    Et inko på landevejen

    Innovationen Allez

    Fra en top landevejscykel i 80'erne til de unge nye ryttere, den bringer ind i sporten i dag, fortsætter Allez med at skubbe grænserne for aluminiumscykler.


    Det er en helt ny sport

    Stumpjumperen debutere

    Før Stumpjumper var mountainbiking en utilgængelig niche. Mike troede, at mennesker over hele verden ville elske at køre off-road. Han havde ret.


    At gøre det rigtige

    IMBA lanceres

    Da mange spor blev lukket, skrev Specialized den hårdt tjente check, der muliggjorde opstarten af ​​IMBA (International Mountain Bicycling Association) – som har arbejdet for spor og tilgængelighed for cyklister lige siden.


    Mountainbikes kommer til deres ret, landevejs, Body Geometry


    Specialized vinder verdens første VM inden for MTB

    Overend fører Stumpjumper Epic til sejr

    Ned Overend og Thomas Frischknechts legendariske kamp ved det første UCI XC-verdensmesterskab. Her så man Ned sejre på sin Epic Ultimate med carbon-rør og titanium.

    Evolution of the Fastest

    Since Ned’s first Worlds win, the Specialized Epic has reigned supreme on the XC circuit. Relentless innovation has led to the all-new Epic 8—evolution of the fastest.


    Protection Meets Performance

    Specialized Helmets

    From the first Airforce, to today’s Evade or Gambit, no helmet is better ventilated, lighter weight, or more aerodynamic.

    Too Fast For The UCI

    S-Works TT 5

    Developed with Remco Evenepoel, the world’s fastest time trial rider, the TT 5 debuted in 2022 as the fastest helmet ever created. It was so fast that the UCI banned it in 2024.


    The Relentless Pursuit of Performance Beyond Reason

    S-Works Debuts

    Inspired by motocross “works” motorcycles and committed to creating the ultimate performance advantage for our elite racers, S-Works was born.

    Made in Racing

    S-Works has enabled more top riders to win more big races than any other brand. We make the same products available to every rider. That’s Made in Racing.


    Yeah, it Works!

    Full Suspension Leaders

    After Debuting FSR, media and riders quickly heralded Specialized as the leaders in full suspension. ‘Specialized Science Club’ is still leading suspension innovation today.

    Specialized Science Club for the Win

    Evidence-Based Full Suspension Performance

    Our Ride Dynamics team holistically develops full-suspension bikes for an unparalleled ride. The result? Countless wins and backcountry peak experiences.

    Specialized Science Club for the Win

    Evidence-Based Full Suspension Performance

    Our Ride Dynamics team holistically develops full-suspension bikes for an unparalleled ride. The result? Countless wins and backcountry peak experiences.

    Specialized Science Club for the Win

    Evidence-Based Full Suspension Performance

    Our Ride Dynamics team holistically develops full-suspension bikes for an unparalleled ride. The result? Countless wins and backcountry peak experiences.

    Specialized Science Club for the Win

    Evidence-Based Full Suspension Performance

    Our Ride Dynamics team holistically develops full-suspension bikes for an unparalleled ride. The result? Countless wins and backcountry peak experiences.

    Specialized Science Club for the Win

    Evidence-Based Full Suspension Performance

    Our Ride Dynamics team holistically develops full-suspension bikes for an unparalleled ride. The result? Countless wins and backcountry peak experiences.


    Ergonomically Designed, Scientifically Proven

    Body Geometry

    When the world learned that riding could make cyclists impotent, we created the Body Geometry saddle – the first saddle proven to protect blood flow and nerves.

    Identify a Problem, Solve it with Design, Prove It with Science.

    Since ’97, we’ve been applying the Body Geometry methodology to solve rider problems anywhere you and your bike become one—shoes, saddles, bars.


    Coming of Age as a Leader in Road


    Innovate or Die

    Racing to Win in Europe

    In 2000, our road bikes just weren’t good enough, so we went to Europe to join the pro peloton and learn from the best. This is innovate or die in action.

    Earning Rainbows

    We learned fast, winning our first Elite World Championship in 2002. We’ve now won it 15 times, a record unmatched in the modern era.

    Earning Rainbows

    We learned fast, winning our first Elite World Championship in 2002. We’ve now won it 15 times, a record unmatched in the modern era.

    Earning Rainbows

    We learned fast, winning our first Elite World Championship in 2002. We’ve now won it 15 times, a record unmatched in the modern era.

    Earning Rainbows

    We learned fast, winning our first Elite World Championship in 2002. We’ve now won it 15 times, a record unmatched in the modern era.


    One Bike to Rule Them All

    The Tarmac is Born

    An icon was born in 2003 when the first Tarmac hit the road—the S-Works Tarmac E5. Today, the Tarmac SL8 is undisputedly the fastest race bike in the world.


    Smoother is Faster

    First Roubaix

    As bikes got stiffer and racier, Specialized saw the need for a new kind of bike - the Specialized Roubaix - proving that high ergonomics meant high performance.

    Future Shock

    Our pursuit of “smoother is faster” has led to ground-breaking innovations like the Future Shock, and seven wins at the legendary Paris Roubaix.


    Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong Character

    Founding Partner NICA

    Because of NICA, high schools across the USA now have mountain bike teams. Specialized wrote the first check that led to NICA’s formation.

    NICA Alum to Worlds Podium

    NICA has produced countless passionate riders and several UCI World Cup Winners and World Champs, including Christopher Blevins, Haley Batten, and Kate Courtney.


    Setting the Stage for the Future of Cycling


    A Victory Ten Years in the Making

    First Tour de France Victory

    In 2000, Specialized committed to making the best road bikes in the world and winning the Tour de France. In 2010, it happened on a Tarmac.


    50 Years of Blowing Away Barriers

    Aero is Everything

    We’ve been fighting aerodynamic resistance for almost 50 years, and in 2011, we changed the direction of road cycling forever with the very first Venge.

    The Win Tunnel

    We built our own Win Tunnel in 2013 to make our riders, bikes, and equipment faster and more efficient than ever. It’s our laboratory for fast.


    Its You, Only Faster

    Turbo Launches

    When we electrified the bicycle, we called it Turbo, and it was the most powerful, super-naturally smooth, and decidedly high-performance bike on the planet.

    The Future Is Now, and It’s Electric

    Media and riders have lauded the Turbo electric bike as best in class. With models for trail, road, transportation, and gravel, there’s a Turbo electric bike to elevate every ride.


    Helping Humans Thrive by Bike

    Outride Founded

    Mike Sinyard, self-diagnosed with ADHD, found solace in cycling. He started Outride in 2014 to bring cycling's social, emotional, and cognitive benefits to everyone.

    Riding For Focus

    Outride's Riding for Focus program promotes youth well-being through school cycling. It's partnered with 300+ schools, impacting 50,000+ young people every year.

    Raising Awareness

    Outride's pioneering research proves cycling's neurological benefits for young people in the face of a growing mental health crisis. Outride’s next chapter will be expanding its research to understand the power of cycling to reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s in aging individuals, and sharing its research and methods worldwide to inspire more people to improve their lives, no matter their age, through the power of pedaling.


    Beyond Gender

    Women of Specialized

    From Team Stumpjumper riders like Sara Ballantyne to Tour de France and Worlds winners Demi Vollering and Lotte Kopecky, women on Specialized have led the way.


    Cycling’s Global Superstar

    Peter Sagan: 3 World Championships and Seven Green Jerseys

    Beyond the incredible victories, Peter Sagan brings an infectious irreverence and personality to cycling that makes him cycling’s ambassador to the world.


    Innovate or Die

    The Kids are Alright

    Creating the Next Generation

    Over 50 years, we’ve had the great fortune to partner with iconic riders. Today, a new generation is ready to take up the mantle of inspiring the next.

    2024 - 2074

    The Bike Saves the World

    Pedal the Planet Forward

    There is no problem the bicycle can not solve—mental health, physical well-being, sustainability. That’s why we’re committed to getting 1 million bikes back on the road by the end of 2025 through our ‘Reduce, Reuse, ReSpecialized’ initiative launching August, 2024.

    We don’t care what kind of bike you ride—just ride.

    It Took Us 50 Years to Get Ready for This Moment.

    Let's get started