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Cold weather biking gloves don’t have to be bulky. Sleek and seamless, our Thermal…
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Cold weather biking gloves don’t have to be bulky. Sleek and seamless, our Thermal Knit Gloves keep you warm and comfortable without sacrificing dexterity. The stretchy construction features a weather-resistant membrane to block out the cold and a soft liner that feels smooth against the skin. Wear them all ride long or have them on hand as a backup pair should you need a mid-ride glove swap.
Díky bezešvé konstrukci skvěle padne a zajistí vám pohodlí po celý den.
Třívrstvá konstrukce má mezi vnějším úpletem a měkkou podšívkou nepropustnou membránu.
Složení látky: 60 % Nylon
Wiretap™ touchscreen-compatible for easy use with smartphones.
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