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    2024 S-Works Diverge STR

    132 000,00 Kč

    0 Recenze

    With Future Shock suspension front and rear, the new Diverge STR delivers compliance…



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    Plynulejší je rychlejší. Potvrzeno
    Nic není rychlejší na nerovném terénu než Diverge STR

    Plynulejší je rychlejší. Potvrzeno

    Technologie Suspend The Rider (STR) nejen že absorbuje nárazy, takže vaše tělo nemusí, ale také snižuje valivý odpor, abyste se mohli rychleji odvalovat na nerovném terénu s masivní úsporou až 11,3 wattů – to vše dokazuje Sports Univerzita v Kolíně nad Rýnem.

    Diverge STR

    Podrobnosti o produktu

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    With Future Shock suspension front and rear, the new Diverge STR delivers compliance without compromise. By suspending the rider—instead of the bike—Future Shock technology increases control and efficiency while decreasing fatigue, so you’ll be riding farther and faster over chunkier terrain than you believed possible. And the Diverge STR does this without the weight, sluggish pedal response, and inefficiency of other suspension systems. The S-Works Diverge STR starts with our FACT 11r carbon frameset with front and rear Future Shock suspension.

    • By suspending the rider with damped, tunable travel—20mm front/30mm rear—Future Shock Technology absorbs bump forces to boost your control and capability while retaining the efficiency and responsiveness of a rigid frame. Because as far as power transfer goes, it is a rigid frame. Power to the pedals makes the bike jump like a scared cat. You’re efficient, you’re comfortable, you’re in control. Your bike is light, nimble, and responsive.

    • The new Diverge doesn’t just have gorgeous lines, it has perfect curves too. Future Shock Rear puts 30mm of rear travel in the ideal path to smooth out rough road. Its hydraulic damping controls travel to eliminate “bobbing” under power and ensure big hits never catapult you from the saddle, all without compromising fit or pedaling efficiency.

    • Born from decades of innovation and our Smoother is Faster philosophy, Future Shock was created to develop bikes that win on cobblestones, but it’s found its purest expression on gravel. It’s 20mm of adjustable, damped front travel that keeps you in control and on target, all while protecting your hands, arms, and shoulders from the battering.

    • More capability means more confidence, more confidence means more rides, more rides mean more fun, and it all starts at the contact patch. Nothing unlocks capability like tire clearance, and we’re feeling generous. 47mm on a 700c wheel and 2.1” on 650B. Diverge STR is the most capable gravel bike we’ve ever made, so it’s the most fun. We did the math.

    • The S-Works Diverge STR FACT 11r carbon frame is more compliant than any drop bar bike we have ever made yet adds just 100 grams compared to the S-Works Diverge frame. Never have so few grams added so much capability. Climb it, race it, or load it down with bags and gear for the long haul—Diverge STR does it all faster and smoother without any excess baggage.

    Technické specifikace

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    Rámová sada


    Diverge FACT 11r carbon frameset with front and rear Future Shock suspension, SWAT™ Door integration, threaded BB, internal routing, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc



    Future Shock 3.3 w/ Damper, Smooth Boot, FACT carbon, 12x100 mm thru-axle, flat-mount



    S-Works Carbon Seat Post, 20mm Offset

    Sedlová objímka

    Specialized Alloy, 33.3mm



    Integrated SWAT door, internal storage system


    ID produktu



    2.98kg (6 lb, 9.1 oz)

    Hmotnost ve velikosti


    *Hmotnosti jsou založeny na výrobě natřených rámu, jak je znázorněno na obrázku. Skutečné hmotnosti se budou lišit v závislosti na barevném provedení, velikosti rámu a variaci komponent. Specifikace se mohou změnit bez předchozího upozornění.


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    Délka sedlovky350mm350mm350mm350mm350mm350mm
    Stack (Výška od vrcholu hlavové trubky po středové složení)569mm576mm593mm609mm633mm659mm
    Délka hlavové trubky100mm100mm115mm130mm155mm182mm
    Úhel hlavové trubky70°70.5°71.25°71.75°71.75°71.75°
    Výška středového složení270mm265mm265mm265mm265mm265mm
    BB Drop80mm85mm85mm85mm85mm85mm
    Stopa kola (27,5 střed)69mm66mm61mm57mm57mm57mm
    Délka celé vidlice390mm390mm390mm390mm390mm390mm
    Vyosení vidlice (offset)55mm55mm55mm55mm55mm55mm
    Vzdálenost přední osa – středové složení607mm612mm619mm629mm645mm663mm
    Délka řetězové vzpěry429mm429mm429mm429mm429mm429mm
    Délka horní trubky, horizontální527mm540mm556mm570mm586mm602mm
    Výška rámu v rozkroku704mm730mm753mm778mm804mm833mm
    Délka sedlové trubky390mm430mm470mm500mm530mm560mm
    Úhel sedlové trubky74.5°74.25°74°74°74°74°

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