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    Hemisphere Flat Resistant Wirebead All-Terrain Reflect

    1 000,00 Kč

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    Meet the all-new Hemisphere tire – the ultimate choice for active and commuter bike…



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    Plášť Hemisphere je nejlepší volbou pro aktivní a dojíždějící jezdce, kteří hledají bezkonkurenční odolnost, dlouhou životnost a všestrannost. Výměna pneumatiky se stane vzdálenou vzpomínkou díky ochraně proti defektu BlackBelt a špičkové konstrukci směsi pryže pláště Hemisphere. Plášť Hemisphere je vaše volba na dlouhou trať.

    Podrobnosti o produktu

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    Meet the all-new Hemisphere tire – the ultimate choice for active and commuter bike riders seeking unmatched durability and performance. Engineered for those who crave adventure beyond city streets, the Hemisphere makes changing flats a thing of the past, thanks to its top-tier BlackBelt flat protection. Combining an advanced rubber compound for longevity and all-terrain traction for confidence riding on any surface in all weather, the Hemisphere delivers a tire that goes the distance.

    ALL-TERRAIN TRACTION: The combination of various sized knobs distributed throughout the tire in a tight pattern enables smooth, confident, and quiet handling from city streets to dirt roads for when you’re feeling adventurous.

    RELIABILITY: BlackBelt Protection offers premier flat protection, resulting in reliable tires that go the distance.

    LONGEVITY: The Hemisphere tire is constructed with a performance driven rubber compound that is designed to go the distance season after season so you don’t have to worry about changing your tires anytime soon.

    • Tightly spaced knobs offer a quiet ride with smooth and confident handling

    • BlackBelt Protection: Flat Resistant

    • Casing: 60 TPI

    • 27.5 x 2.3", psi 35-65, approximate weight 785g

    • 700 x 47mm, psi 35-65, approximate weight 650g

    • 700 x 51mm, psi 35-65, approximate weight 685g

    • Bead: Wire

    • Bead: Wire

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