This bike is a masterpiece! Thanks to its lightweight, it's just as nimble and fun on tight, twisty, narrow trails as my StumpJumper Evo but with the small motor, I am not killing myself on steep climbs. It's also incredible on the more gnarly downhill trails and while I don't ride the crazy stuff, I feel super stable and planted on whatever the trail throws at me. It’s low on power by comparison to the big eBikes, but that is what I was looking for. I am 42, pretty fit, and wanted a bike that got me on the trails more often, gives me a great workout, and allows me to cover more ground in less time. To give a comparison - my usual route (23 Miles, 2,990 ft elevation (mostly narrow trails and fire roads) -
SJ Evo
Time: 2h 49m
Avg. Speed: 8.2mph
Calories: 1,330
Avg. bpm: 127
Kenevo SL
Time: 1h 53m
Avg. Speed: 12mph
Calories: 1,207
Avg. bpm: 122
Wishlist for future iterations - quieter motor and a little more torque. 45nM would be great!