41 レビュー
新しいS-Works Turbo RapidAir(ラピッドエアー)タイヤをドゥクーニンク・クイックステップと共同で開発し始めた当初、チームはタイヤに対する高い要望を持っていました。それは、オールラウンドに使える、最速・最軽量かつもっとも耐パンク性に優れたタイヤを作ること。当然、チューブラータイヤのようなライドクオリティーも兼ね備えていなければなりませんでした。やっとの思いで完成させたこのタイヤで一度でも走れば、もう他のタイヤは使えなくなるでしょう。スペシャライズドのワールドツアーチームがもうチューブラーを使わないという事実が、このタイヤのすばらしさを物語っています。…
新しいS-Works Turbo RapidAir(ラピッドエアー)タイヤをドゥクーニンク・クイックステップと共同で開発し始めた当初、チームはタイヤに対する高い要望を持っていました。それは、オールラウンドに使える、最速・最軽量かつもっとも耐パンク性に優れたタイヤを作ること。当然、チューブラータイヤのようなライドクオリティーも兼ね備えていなければなりませんでした。やっとの思いで完成させたこのタイヤで一度でも走れば、もう他のタイヤは使えなくなるでしょう。スペシャライズドのワールドツアーチームがもうチューブラーを使わないという事実が、このタイヤのすばらしさを物語っています。
新しいS-Works Turbo RapidAirタイヤは、数年間の社内開発とテストを経て生まれました。しなやかなセンターの構造は、路面の細かな段差などの凹凸を滑らかに感じさせ、転がり抵抗を低く抑えます。スペシャライズド独自のGRIPTON®︎コンパウンドは、速さとコーナリンググリップで業界最高の性能を発揮します。ワイドなトレッドデザインと安定性に優れたサイドウォールは、正確なハンドリングを可能にしつつ、コーナーに勢いよく進入できます。最後に、斜めに編み込まれたBlackbelt™️ブレーカーは耐パンク性を備えますが、仮にも穴が空いてしまった場合は、新しいシーラントが穴を瞬時に塞ぐので安心です。
ケーシング:120 TPI
ブチル被覆ビード=2Bliss Ready(チューブレスレディ)
700x26 PSI 85-100 重量270g(実測値)
700x28 PSI 80–95 重量295g(実測値)
41 レビュー
Muito confortável, rola bem e muita aderência em curva e travagens fortes Recomendo
Ótimo pneu, boa rodagem, mas não é tão resistente a furo.
I realized how well these tires gripped after mine wore out and got replaced with some GP5000 S TRs. I nearly got in a wreck because the Contis were not gripping like I was used to. The downside is these guys wore out fast. Before the wear indicator was all gone they got flat-topped and I was getting far too many punctures since they were pinning the debris. Still I would have gotten another pair if they were not sold out everywhere I looked.
Most of us cant afford to drop $80/tire every 2 weeks. But if you can, its a great tire. A puncture every 150 miles /200km on average. Mine are all patched from the inside as im not in the $320/month on tires bracket. I suppose thats the price (the fragility of the rubber) one trades for the great feel on the road. Frustrating.
Pneu muito bom de rolagem e grip
The fit and ride are top notch
Easy set-up, great ride
Super facile monter sur le jantes, claque facilement avec une pompe. Pneu confortable, agréable et performant par contre très déçu car après moins 1000km avec, toujours dans des conditions idéale ( roulé uniquement par beau temps), le pneu avant a une hernie. chose quand même très dommageable et très dangereuse car je n'ose imaginé ce qu'il se serait passé si elle avait éclaté. il me reste un gout un peu amer et d'inachevé car je suis très content du comportement du pneu mais pas de sa qualité au vue du prix. pas à la hauteur des tous les autres produits spécialized que j'ai et que j'utilise régulièrement.
Haven’t ridden them yet but mounting was pretty easy. One of the two tires sealed up immediately. The second one had to be persuaded a bit but thus far, all good!
As most reviewers have already said would score five stars for grip, comfort, speed, ease of fitting (at least on my Roval rims) but lose a point as the rubber is easily damaged by small road debris and wears quickly. One of them developed a hole I couldnt patch so couldnt run tubeless anymore. If you can afford to replace them it’s still a great tyre.
Monté sur une paire neuve de Roval C38 , j ai crevé sur route mouillée lors de ma deuxième sortie . Le tubelless a fait son effet mais le pneu n a pas tenu lors de la sortie suivante . Très confortable très rapide mais très fragile . Pas de geste commercial . Dommage
Love the ride, unhappy with how quickly they wear out...
Por éste producto es que tome la decisión de vivir la experiencia en bicicletas de ruta, tengo mis tubeless ready en MTB y es un alivio poder tener la gran ayuda del líquido anti pinchazo,que también lo hace muy bien en éste neumático increíble, nos olvidamos de estar cambiando cámaras por esos desafortunados pinchazos, totalmente recomendable
These tires are amazing for a couple reasons: 1. They're fast 2. They're light 3. Very low rolling resistance 4. They grip like no other in corners They are flawed because they puncture pretty easily and they do not last all that long. I have gone through 4 pairs of these and none have lasted longer than 600 miles. I will still continue to use them as i really do like them but any improvement in puncture resistance would be very much appreciated by all who use it.
Ottimo copertura tubeless race! Scorrevolezza da copertoncino e comfort da tubolare, per un prodotto che ha come punti di forza una grande aderenza in curva, un ottimo grip in frenata e una buona resistenza alle forature. Essendo un versione race, si usura abbastanza velocemente.
These tires feels almost as good as a wheel upgrade, the extra speed is quite noticeable. They were very easy to install and hold air as well as can be expected with a tubeless setup. I've pushed as hard as my nerve will allow me around corners and they never felt like I was nearing their limit. They do puncture quite easily and the sealant has worked as advertised most of the time, I have already needed to use two Dynaplugs to plug small holes that inexplicably wouldn't seal completely though. I do ride on some horrible streets with no shortage of broken glass and other tire killers so honestly they have faired pretty well compared to some other tires I've used. I've actually unintentionally ended up on a couple of unpaved sections of road where I thought I would flat for sure but they held up. These tires are technically designed for racing and I probably shouldn't expect much as far as toughness and durability but it would be nice to get more out of such expensive tires.
This is my second set of tires. Mounted on SWorks Roubaix with Roval CLX 32 rims with Orange Seal. Takes some added effort to mount them and there is a little bit of a learning curve adding sealant without making a mess in your shop. Have gotten a little over 7,200 miles out of the first two sets of tires so I would say no wear complaints. Have had only one puncture in that time period (no cuts) riding some city and mainly rough rural roads but it sealed quickly, shot some air in and continued riding. Have ridden over all kinds of chip seal, dirt, holes, gravel and other terrible road surfaces with no other issues! Ride and handling is amazing and they roll very well. At 175 lbs. can ride them at 55 psi so a very comfortable ride on my Roubaix. They will leak some air over a day or two but who doesn't check their tire pressure before every ride, so that is a non-issue. Not sure why so many reviewers have so many issues? I am very satisfied with these tires.
Utilisé sur plus de 5000 km à l avant et à l arrière et jamais eut le moindre soucis !!! Rendement parfait, confort super.
Fitted 26mm as upgrade to my Tarmac SL6 with stock DT R470 wheels. No punctures and I can see the odd small cut that must have sealed. My only gripe was loss of pressure overnight but probably good practice to check and inflate each ride. More sealant seems to have improved this.
Have these on my bike for about a year and no flats or punctures. Great handling!
Pneus très faciles à monter et à faire claquer avec une pompe à pied classique. Très bon rendement et confort jamais obtenu jusque là. Seul problème : perte de pression due à des micros trous au niveau des picots caoutchouc et du résidu sur la partie centrale de la bande de roulement. Donc très certainement problème de démoulage à la fabrication. Le préventif ne colmate pas car la fuite est trop faible. Résultat : regonflage avant chaque sortie. J'ai mis 2 pneus, les deux présentent le même problème. La qualité de fabrication n'est pas à la hauteur du prix demandé. Bien cordialement
Bought three of these with my new bike to put on Roval CL50 wheel set. Struggled to keep them airtight. All three were really leaky. Wasn't the best intro to tubeless and would recommend trying another product. Otherwise felt good...
I purchased these at the beginning of the year for my new summer bike after 6000 miles including a coast to coast ride I have not had one single puncture and UK roads can be brutal on tyres. These are now in my winter bike and still going strong . I love these so much I just purchased another pair for my summer bike. I'm really shocked at the reviews and the claims about issues with punctures, fingers crossed I get another good year from these tyres. Cannot regiment highly enough
Got a new bike with these tires, only to get a puncture on my second ride! Mind you that I have done the same ride hundreds of times on my older bike/tires and never once got flats. Too bad I saw all these earlier reviews after the flat happened. Should have got other tires from the get go. These are now in trash.
loved the earlier model s-works 2bliss but they changed something on these and even with tubeless still had to many flats
Tubeless top... ottima scorrevolezza e comodit?, facile da montare...
Although these tires are super fast, they puncture quite easily and don't want to seal up. The previous generation tires were far superior without the issues! I would NOT buy these tires again!!!
Très facile à monter très confortable et bon rendement. Crevaison après 100 km et un peu de pluie. La pression ne tient pas, penser à regonfler tous les 2 jours. Acheté une autre paire de pneus pour vérifier si c'était un accident... Dommage vu le tarif du pneu...
Performance and handling of these is fantastic. I've exclusively been using S-Works Turbo tyres for 3 years now and they are great handling and confidence inspiring in all conditions. However i've found these Rapidair's are prone to punctures more easily than the non-tubeless version. They're also very hard to fit.
Venge Pro passé directement en tubeless, j'ai constaté un rendement incroyable (je compare à mon expérience du s-works turbo standard) et un confort au rdv !!
This is a tubeless/ sealant review - I haven't tried these tires with tubes. As a tubeless tire, it's not durable enough. Rides and handles well; comfortable, but flats way too much. I'm a big fan of tubeless/ sealant for mountain bikes - I think the bike industry has perfected that technology. But after 6 months of trying to ride tubeless on my road bike, I'm switching back to tubes. I'm also tired of the mess it makes...spraying sealant all over the bike while the hole seals. I hope road bike tubeless is perfected soon because, when it works, it's better than tubes.
I got one little 1mm puncture and it will not seal. Not worth the money.
Really disappointing how not resistant these tires are. Have gone through two pairs of these within the last 4 months because of punctures that wouldn't seal. This is a fast tire and it is easy to get on but if you arent looking for a hassle DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT.
I have ridden about 80k miles on road tubeless and this is the best tire I have had in terms of speed and feel and the easiest to install. Best grip by a wide margin. In these respects, the tire is a real winner. So it is heartbreaking to report that it simply doesn't have enough puncture protection to use as an everyday tire - about hissing spurts of sealant per ride. To be fair they almost always seal, but often not before losing enough air to make you worry in downhill corners. After a few rides the punctures build up and it's hard to get the tires to hold more than 50% air overnight. You can recover it for a few days at first with new sealant, but eventually the slow leaks build up and nothing helps. In 800 miles I have had more punctures on these tires than in all my previous 10 years and 70k+ miles on road tubeless combined. It defeats the purpose. Bike shop replaced them for free and said I'm not the only one. Back to the GP5000 TL which performs well but doesn't install as easy and doesn't have that amazing instant acceleration feel. The old sworks turbo tubeless felt better than the 5000 TL and I only ever had one puncture in about 30K miles on the same roads. Wish they would bring it back! The Rapidair makes a great race day tire since the punctures do seal in real time, but it doesn't have the durability to hold up for worry free daily use.
Just put the first 32 miles on my new set of Turbo S Rapid Air tubeless tires. They are super smooth, look great, and I'm fairly confident they'll be more flat resistant than the Turbo Cottons.
After 9 miles on these tires I picked up a 1mm puncture which the new rapidair sealant could not plug. The puncture was so small that I was left wondering how the sealant could plug a hole of any size. At $90 per tire (with sealant) and with all the specialized marketing around these, I expected much more. I feel like I spent nearly $200 on garbage.
Pneus très confortables pour du 26mm de section, vraiment agréables à rouler, très faciles à monter et gonfler, surtout en comparaison des GP5000TL que je n'ai pas réussi à monter sur mes jantes DT. Malheureusement mon pneu avant s'est coupé sur 10mm au bout de 150 kilomètres d'utilisation... peut-être un morceau de verre, mais ça me semble fragile. J'en ai repris un quand même, en espérant avoir plus de chance. Mais vu le prix, ça fait mal...
The dealer recommended to run lower pressures but I run the same as tube. The feel is incredible. I love 'em. Great bump absorption. I haven't had any flats so far but have only ridden 100 miles. Great tire!
These tires are the fastest, most comfortable and unreliable tires I have ever ridden. First I really like how fast and good these things roll. Second I am super impressed on how comfortable they are. Unfortunately I have got two flats in 10 rides that wouldn't seal. Both flats were on my rear tire. I have now questioned the flat resistance of them. Probably not the tire for long rides, great tire for racing.
HI Purchased these when they first come out. First ride, these tyres are noticeably faster then anything I have ridden before. Never been on tubeless before either. Second ride I was in a race, 30meters into the race I punctured and it did seal BUT it did take longer then I expected and I was forced to pull out. I was using the rapidair sealant and during install process, I did notice that the particles in the bottle were left behind. So I do believe this is more my fault then the tyres / sealant. I did put my old Turbo Cottons back on and then got someone else to install the tyres at a later date. I had no more RapidAir sealant left and used stans. First ride back on the tyres and another puncture ( it was a builders staple - nothing was stopping this going in ) and it sealed, I put some air in and finished the ride. I will be getting more RapidAir sealant and will use that again.