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    Roval Rapide CL II


    15 レビュー

    新登場のRapide CL IIは、Rapide CLX IIの定評ある性能をより多くのライダーに体感していただけるホイールです。リムはRapide CLX IIと同じものを使い、各部を正しく仕上げたチューブレス設計が驚異的なスピード、秀逸な効率性、卓越したハンドリング性能、そしてあらゆるコンディションで優れた安定性を実現。お求めやすい価格設定ながら、秀逸なパフォーマンスを備えたスピードに優れるホイールです。ハイトの高いフロントリムは横風の影響を受けやすく、それによってバイクがふらつき、場合によっては失速を招くことも。そこで、ライダーが横風に対応できる実際の反応b時間を基に、モデリングアルゴリズムを新たに作成し、路上テストで検証しました。新しいフロントリムはこのアルゴリズムを利用し、急な突風が吹いたときに、これまでのリムハイト50mmのフロントリムより空気抵抗が低く、安定性が25%向上しています。リアホイールはバイクの中で風が最後にぶつかる場所であり、リムハイトが高めでもステアリング性能に悪影響を与えません。そこで、バイクの最後端にあるこの部位で空気抵抗を最小限に抑える、リムハイト60mm、外幅30mmのリム形状を開発しました。このRapide…

    Hooked on Tubeless

    Hooked on Tubeless

    Rapide CL II wheels are aero, stable, light, and durable. They also feature hooked rims, so you can get all of the benefits of tubeless performance at pressures up to 110psi, with the flexibility to choose the tire you want and the width you want.

    Aerodynamics Meet Stability

    Aerodynamics Meet Stability

    Rapide CL II wheels are as fast as dedicated TT wheels and as stable as shallower climbing wheels. Our next-generation optimization algorithm was tasked with creating stability based on rider reaction time. This is speed for the real world.

    Testing Tubeless

    Testing Tubeless

    After two years and the biggest development and testing program ever undertaken by Roval, the Rapide CL II meet our extremely high internal testing standards—standards that almost double existing certification requirements.


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    新登場のRapide CL IIは、Rapide CLX IIの定評ある性能をより多くのライダーに体感していただけるホイールです。リムはRapide CLX IIと同じものを使い、各部を正しく仕上げたチューブレス設計が驚異的なスピード、秀逸な効率性、卓越したハンドリング性能、そしてあらゆるコンディションで優れた安定性を実現。お求めやすい価格設定ながら、秀逸なパフォーマンスを備えたスピードに優れるホイールです。


    リアホイールはバイクの中で風が最後にぶつかる場所であり、リムハイトが高めでもステアリング性能に悪影響を与えません。そこで、バイクの最後端にあるこの部位で空気抵抗を最小限に抑える、リムハイト60mm、外幅30mmのリム形状を開発しました。このRapide CL II リアリムは、バイク後部の乱流を減らし、空力性能を最高レベルに高めます。フロントホイールと組み合わせると、実際の走行環境下において世界最速のパッケージです。

    Rapide CL II ホイールは、カーボン素材のレイアップからニップルの最終的なテンション調整まで、すべての工程が手作業で行われます。36tスターラチェット仕様のDT Swiss 350ハブを、同じくDT Swissのコンペティションレース・ストレートプルスポークで組み、前後セットで重量1,590gを達成。信頼性と耐久性ともに申し分なく、最高のパフォーマンスを発揮します。

    チューブレス化すると転がり抵抗が低くなるというのは、ハンドリング性能の向上や驚異的な耐パンク性能などのメリットと同様、疑う余地のない特性です。Rapide CL IIの開発では、これまでで最も厳格かつ広範囲にわたる開発とテストを実施。その耐衝撃基準は現在の業界基準のほぼ2倍でありながら、可能な限りの軽さを実現しています。Rapide CL IIは、最大空気圧110psiでに対応したフックドリムを採用。これにより、タイヤビードは確実に保持され、チューブレス化やタイヤの着脱が今まで以上に簡単になりました。

    • リム:Rapide CLXカーボンクリンチャー、700c、ディスクブレーキ、チューブレス対応

    • ハブ:DT Swiss 350 ストレートプルセンターロック、スターラチェット歯数36t(10°)、100x12mmと142x12mm、SHIMANO ROAD11Sフリーハブ

    • スポーク:DT Swiss・コンペティションレース・ストレートプル、フロントはラジアル/2クロス(2:1)でドライブ側は258mm、ノンドライブ側は270mmの18本、リアは2クロス(1:1)でドライブ側は256mm、ノンドライブ側は260mmの24本

    • Bearing Type: DT Swiss Sealed Steel Cartridge Bearings.

    • タイヤサイズ:24mm - 38mm

    • Nipple: DT Swiss Hex Prolock Al 2.0x14mm.

    • 組み立て方法:手組み

    • Weight: Wheelset 1,590g, Front 725g, Rear 865g (including 15g, tubeless rim tape and tubeless valve).

    • その他:Rovalリムテープ、スペアスポークとニップルキットが付属。耐荷重:125kg



    15 レビュー


    Game changers

    I replaced the allow gravel wheels on my carbon Cannondale Synapse with a set of these. They love to roll! The bike rides more smoothly and holds speed much better now. I absolutely love them. It's odd that people have shaved stars off their ratings here because of how hard it can be to get a tire off and on one of these. The rims are deep, for a reason, so yeah changing a flat takes some work. You can't have it both ways.



    New Tarmac and cannot get the tires off the rim

    The tire removal is rediculous. Actually it's worse than that because even here at home in my shop I can't get the front wheel tire off. This is beyond any other tire change. I'll probably have to use some greasy solvent and pry and jab and push to see if the bead breaks or cut the Specialized tire off the rim. Soapy water didn't help. Time for a utube video gents. This is a travesty because they work well on the road.

    Gary H.


    Great Upgrade Wheels

    I’m a bike tech so I see a lot of these wheels as stock setups on Tarmacs etc. but was really taken with how they gain and hold speed on test rides. I bought them for my cervelo as an upgrade from my aluminum wheels and my ride has completely changed. They are nice and spry for deeper rims and don’t feel too heavy on climbs, but take some getting used to especially descending on windy days. A huge bonus is how much vibration they absorb thanks to the rim width. Ridden with 30ml Schwalbe 1s



    Fast Reliable Wheelset

    It's been a great experience riding and racing these wheels over the past year. They are fast and lighter than the C38s that came with my bike. I've only ever used Turbo and Sworks Turbo tires on these wheels and have never had a problem changing a flat with my bare hands. I've had a few race crashes and the wheels have held up very well with only minor scuffs. Love the wheels overall and highly recommend them!



    Accelerate and hold speed very well, but fitting a tyre is problematic

    Great wheels that accelerate and hold their speed very well. The front wheel has a very wide 35 mm external rim width, which means that the Specialized tyres that came standard on the bike (S-works Turbo 2BR 26mm [and 28 mm]) don't sit flush with the rim, which looks a bit strange and makes you wonder if you have mounted them properly. And mounting them is not easy when each rim is 7 mm thick. The tyre beads also become stuck to the hooked rim (front and back) when trying to remove tyres, even when no sealant was used. Confidence inspiring in case of a sudden flat, but a total PITA to get off. You're going to need VERY strong thumbs!



    Great wheels, but don’t flat.

    Great set of wheels, ideal for all around road riding. Major draw back is they are a pain when it changing a flat. This has held true for multiple brands of tires.



    Pneu ideal para rodas rapide cl 2

    Bom dia, favor, o pneu 700x28 ou 700x30 qual seria o pneu ideal para a rodas rapid cl 2?

    Jose F.


    All Purpose Assassins

    The CL IIs are a very impressive wheelset. They wind up quick and hold speed wonderfully, with a bit of a growling sound to go along with it. While climbing they are plenty stiff and light weight. I was shocked by how well the front wheel performs on super fast descents through canyons with high wind - No wobbles and totally confidence inspiring. The Bontrager XXX4s and ENVE 4/5s that I've ridden in the past would get pushed around a bit by wind gusts, trucks, and vans, but not the CL IIs. I set mine up with 30mm tires and they're super comfy. Highly Recommend!



    Flat difficultie

    This wheels are awesome, if you have difficulties changeing tire watch video, just a little trick and it is really easy




    Love ‘em runnin 30 in the front 28 in the back. Is



    Excellent wheel

    Roval rapids CL 2 is my first lightweight wheelset. Faster

    Verified Buyer
    Alan h.


    Uso le ruote Roval da anni

    Uso le ruote Roval da anni , sia nella Mtb che nella Corsa , una certezza .. non ti tradiscono mai




    ペダルを回す度に加速していくのがわかります。安定感、加速感はピカイチではないでしょうか? 風の影響を受けないわけではないですが、デメリット以上に恩恵を感じられるホイールです!



    Por que em la loja

    Porque no tem la roda traseira roval rapide ll em la loja erik bike se em outras lojas tem




    Molto dinamiche e comfortevoli , sicure in curva e leggere negli spostamenti d’aria tra una marcia lineare e una virata improvvisa…veramente delle ruote sensazionali

    Luigi I.



    Grazie per aver scelto i nostri prodotti. Enjoy Your Ride