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    RapidAir Tire Sealant



    5 レビュー

    新しいRapidAir Tire Sealantは、同じく新しいRapidAirタイヤやRovalホイールと合わせて使うよう専用設計され、最速のセットアップを実現します。…


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    新しいRapidAir Tire Sealantは、同じく新しいRapidAirタイヤやRovalホイールと合わせて使うよう専用設計され、最速のセットアップを実現します。


    • 瞬時に穴を塞ぎ、空気圧の低下は最低限に抑えます。

    • CO2と互換性あり。

    • 広い温度域(-20℃〜70℃)で使用可能。

    • 穴を塞いだら、最高の気密性を発揮。

    • バイクパーツにダメージを与えません。

    • タイヤサイズによるシーラントの推奨使用量:24〜26mm には40ml、28-30mm には50mlを使用。24〜30mmで最高性能を求めるなら60mlを使用してください。



    5 レビュー


    Hardly Works and Continually Leaks on Tiny Pin Holes

    After a ride I noticed that the seat post tube, rear frame members and my seat bag were covered with some sort of strange material. After investigating I determined that it was the sealant leaking out of my tire. The puncture is the size of a sewing needle or smaller. I pumped up the tire and put the puncture down. The next morning the pressure was still good and I moved the bike and the tire leaked again. Brought it to the Specialized bike shop and they filled it with sealant and pumped it up. Appeared to be sealed. Mechanics told me this should be essentially a permanent fix. This leak is TINY. Every time I ride the back of my bike is coated. EVERY TIME. I can go on long rides but now I need to refill the sealant AGAIN. REALLY POOR PERFORMANCE.. I don't know what to do now. Clean the tire and try a different sealant or just get another tire. One for sure thing is this sealant if extremely ineffective.




    What a let down😩

    About 300 miles on the sealant and new s-works turbo rapid air 2bliss ready 28c. Tire pressure 75psi. Had a Pin hole puncture but made it home with spray everywhere and 30psi left. ( note easy cleanup). Pumped up several times to 100 psi and typical spin and rest with the hole down, before it sealed. Next ride was at 75psi over very rough down hill potholes. It held up fine. Rode 10 miles of flat smooth roads then it sprayed the entire final 3 miles with psi down to 20 when I was done. All the sandy bits that should have helped seal were evenly stuck around the inside of the tire nowhere near the pin hole.



    Worked well for me

    I've been using this sealant for about 6 months. I punctured the tire GP5000 TL with a 2-3mm size hole. I never knew I had a puncture until I aired up the tire the next day and found I only had 60lps of pressure in the rear tire. I reaired to 95 lbs and went for a ride the next day which caused the hole to reopen briefly then reseal. I ended up putting a patch on the inside of the tire. It looks like this stuff will seal a 3mm hole without issue with enough pressure to get you home. Then my suggestion is to put a worm in the hole or patch for a permanent seal. I like that it is compatible with CO2 and have found it cleans up very easily when you dismount the tire and want to start over. Overall I'm staying with the product for now and will use dynaplugs or worms for punctures over 3 or 4 mm.

    David C.


    Worked for me!

    Sealed a good sized hole (glass ) in the rear tire. Sealant squirted out onto seat tube from rear wheel- and then sealed the leak. Rode the 15 miles home with 60 - 65 lbs air in rear tire. Saved getting a flat...




    After 9 miles on the new rapidair tubeless tires with new rapidair sealant, I picked up a 1mm puncture which this sealant was unable to plug. The puncture was so small that I was left wondering how this sealant could plug a puncture of any size. I would not recommend this tire/sealant system to anyone. The marketing around these drew me in, but when the rubber meets the road you'll find this system is garbage.

