I feel lucky in this time of bike shortages to have bought my new Roubaix Comp. Purchasing through Specialized on-line was easy and seamless. The $50 shipping fee was reasonable and it took only a week and a half to get it. The bike was packed well and easy to assemble with the help of their on-line video and included booklet. Not being able to test ride it was a concern, but the 30 day return policy gave me comfort. Riding this bike has reinvigorated my love of riding. I've ridden a different brand for about 18 years and have struggled to make it more comfortable. I'm an avid cyclist riding over 100 miles a week. My Roubaix out of the box was an excellent fit for me, although it may need a tweak or two in the future, it works for me now. I love the new technology (for me) of the hydraulic brakes and Rival AXS wireless shifting. Both work so well. Specialized has the purchase on-line down to a science. They send weekly emails fine tuning my knowledge of my new Rival group set. In contacting them, they returned my email promptly and thoroughly. Oh, did I say they included a torque wrench set with the bike? That was surprisingly cool. My only gripe, which Specialized probably has little control over, is the high cost of other group sets. I'm used to having Ultegra on my bikes (Force equivalent), but I was unwilling to pay 8K+. Fortunately, I love the Rival. It does what the others do, but a little heavier.