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    2023 Stumpjumper EVO Pro

    € 8.000,00


    15 Bewertungen

    Das Stumpjumper EVO Pro steht für ultimative Trail-Performance und Bleifüße, die…

    What makes the Stumpjumper EVO the ultimate trail bike?


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    Das Stumpjumper EVO Pro steht für ultimative Trail-Performance und Bleifüße, die auf Gaspedale stehen. Mit einem völlig neuen Design, von der S-Sizing-Geometrie mit einstellbarem Steuerrohrwinkel bis hin zu 150 mm Federweg, ist dieser Hobel ready to shred. Die mit Bedacht gewählte Ausstattung, die das Gesamtgewicht niedrig hält und die Begeisterung hoch, vollendet diese kompromisslose Trailmaschine.

    FOX Factory Federelemente? Check. Carbonlaufräder mit 30 mm Breite? Check. X01 Eagle Antrieb? Auf jeden Fall. Mit dem Stumpjumper EVO Pro erhältst du all diese Leckerbissen zu einem schmackhaften Preis.

    • Auch der längste Federweg ist nutzlos ohne den richtigen Tune des Dämpfers und die richtige Kinematik. Deshalb priorisiert das Design des neuen Stumpjumper EVO die Performance der Kinematik. Mit den Erkenntnissen aus dem Fahrwerksdesign des Enduro und mehr als 1.000 Stunden Entwicklungsarbeit am Trail und im Fahrwerkslabor haben wir die Pedaliereffizienz bergauf erheblich verbessert und gleichzeitig ein leistungsfähiges, effizientes und lebendiges Bike geschaffen, nach dem sich jeder Rider sehnt. Außerdem haben wir den Anti-Squat-Wert erhöht, sodass das Fahrwerk dem Wippen besser widersteht. Eckige Hindernisse werden leichtfüßig geschluckt, wodurch weniger Geschwindigkeit verloren geht. Mit diesem Bike lässt sich nach jeder Fasson shredden.

    • Die Geometrie des Stumpjumper EVO ist mit S-Sizing unsere bisher progressivste überhaupt. Lang, niedrig, flach, eine Gabel mit wenig Offset, ein steilerer Sitzrohrwinkel – das sind die Voraussetzungen für modernes Mountainbiken. Jedoch haben unterschiedliche Rider unterschiedliche Anforderungen an ihr Bike, weshalb die Geometrie des Stumpjumper EVO mit sechs verschiedenen Einstellungen individuell an deine Bedürfnisse angepasst werden kann. So kann nicht nur die Tretlagerhöhe um 10 mm verändert werden, sondern auch der Steuerrohrwinkel um bis zu zwei Grad. Und all das unabhängig voneinander. Solltest du mit dem EVO ein 27,5″-Hinterrad in Verbindung mit einem 29″-Vorderrad fahren wollen: Kein Problem, auch dafür gibt es die perfekte Einstellung.

    • Rider-First Engineered™ stellt sicher, dass die Eigenschaften des Bikes über alle Rahmengrößen hinweg annähernd gleichbleiben. Unglaubliches Handling und einwandfreie Performance sind unabhängig von der Rahmen- oder Körpergröße gewährleistet. Egal, ob du ein S1-Fahrer bist, der gern über alles hinwegspringt, oder ein downhillsüchtiger Hüne auf seinem S6-Bike – ihr beide teilt das gleiche Fahrerlebnis: Kurvenfahrten wie auf Schienen und ausgewogene Steifigkeit zwischen Vorder- und Hinterrad bei einem schockierend geringen Gewicht.

    • Als wir 2016 die SWAT™-Box am Stumpjumper einführten, gaben wir den Stauraum in deinem Rahmen frei für alle wichtigen Utensilien, die du benötigst, wenn du auf dem Trail laut ausrufst: „Oh sh*t!“ Eine Pumpe, Ersatzschlauch und Minitool finden locker Platz und machen Gurte am Rahmen überflüssig. Beim neuen Stumpjumper haben wir die gleichen Designmerkmale beibehalten, aber das Volumen vergrößert und eine SWAT™-Blase hinzugefügt. Mit dieser kannst du zusätzlich 650 ml Wasser transportieren. Das ist so, als wäre eine kleine Wasserflasche in deinem Unterrohr versteckt.

    • We introduced the SWAT™ door on the Stumpjumper in 2016, adding room IN your frame for those -oh sh**t- necessities like pumps and spare tubes, and immediately rendering jersey pockets redundant. With the new Stumpjumper, we have increased the volume and added a SWAT™ Bladder, giving you an extra 22oz of water storage – the same size as a small water bottle – hidden in your downtube.

    Technische Spezifikationen

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    FACT 11m carbon chassis and rear-end, asymmetrical design, 29/27.5" Trail Geometry, SWAT™ Door integration, head tube angle adjustment, horst pivot BB adjustment, threaded BB, fully enclosed internal cable routing, 12x148mm dropouts, sealed cartridge bearing pivots, replaceable derailleur hanger, 150mm of travel


    Alloy, 38.6mm



    FOX FLOAT X Factory, Rx Trail Tune, EVOL Air sleeve, 2-position lever w/ LSC adjustment, S1:210x50mm, S2-S6:210x55mm


    FOX FLOAT 36 Factory, GRIP2 damper, 15x110mm, 44mm offset, S1: 150mm of travel, S2-S6: 160mm of travel



    SRAM Code RSC, 4-piston caliper, hydraulic disc, 200mm HS2


    SRAM Code RSC, 4-piston caliper, hydraulic disc, 200mm HS2



    SRAM Eagle AXS Rocker Paddle


    SRAM X01 Eagle AXS


    SRAM XG-1295 Eagle, 10-52t


    SRAM X01 Eagle, 12-speed


    SRAM X1 Carbon, DUB, S1:165mm, S2-S5: 170mm, S6: 175mm




    SRAM DUB, BSA 73mm, Threaded



    Roval Traverse Carbon 29F/27.5R, hookless carbon, 30mm inner width, hand-built, 2Bliss Ready


    DT Swiss 350, sealed cartridge bearings, 15x110mm spacing, 28h


    DT Swiss 350, Star Ratchet, 36t engagement, SRAM XD driver body, 12mm thru-axle, 148mm spacing, 28h


    DT Competition Race


    Butcher, GRID TRAIL casing, GRIPTON® T9 compound, 2Bliss Ready, 29x2.3"


    Eliminator, GRID TRAIL casing, GRIPTON® T7 compound, 2Bliss Ready, 27.5 x 2.3"


    Standard, Presta Valve



    Deity, 35.0mm


    Roval Traverse SL Carbon, riser bar, 6-degree upsweep, 8-degree backsweep, 30mm rise, 800mm, 35.0mm


    Deity Lockjaw


    Bridge, 155/143mm, Hollow Ti-rails


    Bike Yoke, Revive Max, 34.9 (S1:120mm, S2-S3:150mm, S4-S5: 185mm, S6: 213mm)



    13.86kg (30 lb, 8.9 oz)

    Gemessene Rahmengröße


    *Gewichte basieren auf der Produktion lackierter Rahmen, wie abgebildet. Tatsächliche Gewichte variieren je nach Farbgebung, Rahmengröße und Komponentenvariation. Spezifikationen können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden.


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    Länge Sattelstütze125 mm160 mm160 mm185 mm185 mm213mm
    Gabellänge (komplett)561mm571mm571mm571mm571mm571mm
    Gabelversatz / Offset44mm44mm44mm44mm44mm44mm
    Mitte Tretlager - Mitte V.-Achse732mm756mm780mm809mm838mm873mm
    Oberrohrlänge (horizontal)538mm564mm590mm623mm647mm679mm
    Einschub Sattelstütze maximal180mm180mm200mm220mm240mm260mm
    Einschub Sattelstütze minimal80mm80mm80mm80mm80mm80mm

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    Bewertungen anderer Rider


    15 Bewertungen



    It was time to upgrade from my 1989 Stumpjumper and boy did I ... this is a LOT of bike but man o man.... build quality is amazing, functionality is off the charts and attention to detail is second to none!! AND it's a looker too!!



    No words for this

    I loved this bike. The one thing I would say isn't to good is the front fender. Considering that this is a trail bike, it needs a good front fender. But a fender is a fender: it can be replaced.



    Amazing S6

    I just got this 2 weeks ago & wow its simply amazing, especially being tall than average. I swapped the bars out for Raceface atlas in purple :). love my evo pro!!!



    best all-rouder out there!

    I purchased this EVO pro at the end of the 2023 season but still got to shred a little bit. This thing is Amazing!! I've taken this to Pine Mtn. Michigan and hit some 25 ft gaps and big drops, and I have never felt so confident! Climbing sucks no matter what bike you are on and this is no exception. So don't go into this thinking it will peddle like a cross country bike. Its kinda hard to tell on single track, but when you ride around on paved trails it feels slow. Although, if you get a 29er rear wheel and use the included shock link to keep the right GEO, it will make getting to the top a little bit better. And the full 29er setup will be better suited for MN riding anyway. But when you're riding the stock mullet setup, you can't ride around without Pit Vipers to match this Rad bike!



    58 ain’t too late to ride this

    I took up mountain biking seriously ——later in life, first was a hard tail surly karate monkey, followed by a new 2010 specialized stumpjumper FSR 29er black. Well my riding improved for sure, as an avid skier mountain biking was suddenly an equal. Well two weeks ago I took advantage of this deal, probably more bike than I need, but compared to my long in the tooth stumpjumper / this rides like a pillow / when your 58 having digital shifting, light weight, crazy suspension , well just do it, buy the bike. Great at a downhill bike park or even a pump track, to my favorite straight up trail riding with some flow mixed in with uphills /

    Shep K.


    I came from a 2016

    I came from a 2016 enduro expert which I had upgraded over the years. The deal on this evo pro was too good to pass up for comparable bikes (yeti 140, ibis ripmo, trek fuel ex, white, ect.) all trail/enduro bikes. I ride 15-20 miles on ride and do anything from uphill xc to party flow trails to park laps. I want a work out so I do the long uphill slog to big enduro descents. The rear stiff setting to this shock is amazing and the the supple downhill setting is just as good. This is my first axs bike as well as carbon hoops bike and it doesn’t disappoint. I hit a rock hard and my back rim didn’t show anything. I do a 48 mile endurance race every year and did it on this and even though it’s not made for this it was incredibly responsive and stiff which saw me passing xc bikes for a fast time. This thing is a transformer and jack of all trades. It wants to go downhill fast if you let it and does xc as well as climbs well. Is it best in its class for climbing maybe not but it does a lot of things well and was an incredible steal for 6200 on sale.

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    Geprüfter Käufer
    Matthew A.


    This bike CHANGED me

    I went from being a boring guy, working a boring job, riding boring trails... to the most interesting DUDE on/off the trail! This bike does it ALL and then some! Be prepared to cut your favorite jeans into shorts & buy a pair of Pit Vipers, because once you get this mullet...you'll never be same!

    Geprüfter Käufer


    So fun, just get it already…

    I mean this for any stumpy really, but in my case I got the 2023 evo pro during the sale and let me tell you, this thing does not disappoint. I’m a 6’1” 210lb adult male and the S4 size is absolutely dialed for me. This could be due to the set up of the bike by my LBS, who are absolute legends at setting up bikes properly for their customers. I was a little leery about the mixed Wheelset but let me tell you, you don’t even know that the rear wheel is smaller because the Geo on the bike is absolutely spot on. Fun little surprise was that the bike also came with the different linkage if you wanted to go 29er on the rear as well. Nice touch Specialized!! I finally feel appreciated by a mountain bike company. Only thing not original on the bike is the saddle, everyone has a favourite saddle and the stock saddle, while nice, wasn’t as comfortable as my Ergon, but asides from the saddle, this bike absolutely slaps. 10/10

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    Great, but some oversights

    This frame has all the latest tech and adjustability, but this specific spec may not be for everyone. - This model is a mullet and personally it really throws the balance off. Go full 29 if you're tall. - The gearing is low, is combined with a small wheel and the bash guard can't accommodate a larger chainring. - The rear shock comes with light compression damping and is not well suited to anyone over ~180lbs. The rear feels out of balance with the front and blows through travel unless the compression is fully closed, resulting in non-linear damping. (one click open at 200lbs and still blows through travel). A bike with this leverage ratio should have at least a medium tune per Fox and Rockshox. In summary there are a few shortcomings for a larger and stronger rider and it may be a better bike for an entry level rider. If you need an S4-S6 or weigh >180lbs I would not recommend this model and parts selection.

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    I used to have a 2016 Stumpy and the switch to this is absolutely insane. The mullet set up makes this bike fast especially in corners and it roosts alllll day long. The adjustable geometry is next level and the carbon roval rims roll like a dream with 2.3 tyres on. If I were to change one thing about this bike it would be the color options for sure but otherwise you’re basically buying the s-works without the traverse SL rims and the electric dropper. If you’re hesitant about buying it trust me, just do it and thank me later!

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    Chaffing from the seat, otherwise 5 stars

    Bc of the steep seat tube angle of the Evo, the seat can’t be moved to a level (with the bike on flat ground, parallel to horizon) position to eliminate this issue. It’s starting to affect the climbing quality. Coming from a ‘19 sj to this Evo carbon is night and day. Watched a few how to vids to start getting more out of the bike and am still gaining PR’s every time I ride now.

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    Pulled the trigger on the mullet during the sale. I ride with my identical twin. Just took a long trip to St George to test, did everything there.

    Amazing climbing. My twin and I were rocketing up everything with ease. Things that gave me trouble on my last bike, (2017 stumperjumper Sworks) I didn't even pause on the trails. Just rode right up. The anti-squat is amazing. The extra travel is a must have for anyone that is doing chonky downhill, big drops. hard blacks or double blacks, you'll really appreciate the extra travel. We both have the same bike now, before he was riding a stumpjumper expert carbon. Both of us have the same opinion. We ride s4, we are 5'11. We both enjoy the extra reach, the mullet ride amazing. I may try to move to the 29 later, but at this time, I have absolutely no reason to change anything about this bike. The e-shifting has been flawless, and an unexpected bonus. And battery lasts >5 rides of about 3 hours. You have to give it to them, although I don't always like the business practices of specialized... They are a well oiled machine that produces the best bikes possible at this price

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    This bike rips. It feels like an enduro on the downhill, and it’s super easy to throw around in the air. Can’t wait to hit northstar or tyrolean when the snow melts. Cons are only that I’m tall so I keep the dropper up high so it creaks quite a bit and that the paint chips easily, but those cons don’t affect the riding performance so I couldn’t care less.

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    Awesome bike but do yourself a favor

    This bike is awesome but if you want to feel faster especially when trail riding, Ask the bike shop to swap the 27.5 rear for a 29 or get the 2022 model. Even with the mullet link, this bike doesn't right when setup mullet. After swapping everything back to 29, it handles much better and rides like a dream!

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    Geprüfter Käufer


    Magic Carpet Ride

    Before this bike, I was riding the normal (non EVO) stumpy. I loved that bike but felt like I could use a little more suspension for the trails I was riding and seeking out. I was nervous I'd sacrifice climbing and efficiency but in the end, I ride bikes to have fun and I'm not racing XC on this rig so it was worth a try. Since my first ride on the EVO, I've been blown away. Not only have the downhills become a bit more manageable in the chunky/brake bumpy/tech but they are just a bit more fun. AND, although I notice a slight difference in the climbing, it's marginal for my riding. I believe there is a place for both the EVO and non EVO stumpy in any quiver. If you like to pedal the ups but mostly because you like the downs, check out the EVO.

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    Trail C.
