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    Infinity Armadillo Reflect

    € 24,00
    € 40,00


    5 Bewertungen

    Der Infinity Armadillo Reflect Reifen ist ein ausdauernder und robuster Reifen, den…

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    Der Infinity Armadillo Reflect Reifen ist ein ausdauernder und robuster Reifen, den besonders Pendler zu schätzen wissen. Er fühlt sich auf allen asphaltierten Untergründen wohl, sein Negativprofil erhöht die Haftung auf nassen, verschmutzten Straßen.

    • Karkasse: 60 TPI

    • Wulstkern: Draht

    • Gummimischung: 70a

    • Pannenschutz: Armadillo

    • 26 x 1,75", psi 50-100, Gewicht ca. 865 g

    • 700 x 32 mm, psi 75-100, Gewicht ca. 645 g

    • 700 x 35 mm, psi 75-100, Gewicht ca. 665 g

    • 700 x 38 mm, psi 75-100, Gewicht ca. 685 g

    • 700 x 42 mm, psi 50-100, Gewicht ca. 715 g

    Bewertungen anderer Rider


    5 Bewertungen


    Excelente oneu

    Uso na minha crosstrail carbon elite

    Geprüfter Käufer


    Excelente oneu

    Uso na minha crosstrail carbon elite



    These tires are a beast on the road, 200 % a buy, no worries

    If you want flat protection, these tires are as good as it get, you won't find better. this is a wire bead tire which are heavier than folding tires, if you are not racing that don't matter. Feel confident with all Armadillo labeled tires. Armadillo is the flat resistance technology.



    I would buy this again

    Relatively easy to put on the tires. Looking forward to a lot of miles without flats.



    The Honey Badger of hybrid tires

    First the good: this tire has very decent all weather traction, gripping on wet or dry pavement, dirt roads, grass, packed trails and even in light snow or slush (as well as a non-studded tire can be expected to). Tread wear is excellent as well. It also resists puncture and even visible tread damage from riding over broken glass, jagged metal road debris and sharp crushed stone. While distracted by traffic I rode directly over a glass bottle bottom, when I realized what had happened I immediately pulled off onto the sidewalk, expecting to at least do a tube change (and likely walk to my destination), but instead, I couldn't even find a mark on either tire! Now the down-side: they're about as heavy as a 700x32 tire can be and the term ""supple"" has no business being used within earshot of this tire... the only good thing about the ridiculously stiff casing (aside from the amazing puncture resistance) is that you're ensured an extra helping of cardio on any ride you take with these tires mounted. The rolling resistance and ride aren't affected much by air pressure either, they roll hard and ride ""firm"" at all pressures within the recommended range.. Somewhat surprisingly they mount without any more struggle than an average wire bead tire.

