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    Air Tool Flex Pumpe

    € 45,00


    13 Bewertungen

    Dank des Flexschlauches zwischen der Pumpe und dem Pumpenkopf gibt die Air Tool Flex…

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    Dank des Flexschlauches zwischen der Pumpe und dem Pumpenkopf gibt die Air Tool Flex Pumpe die Sicherheit, dass selbst durch einen hektischen Pumpstil dein Ventil nicht beschädigt wird.

    • T-Kopf mit Autoventil- und Presta-Gewinde und Flexschlauch zur Vermeidung von übermäßiger Belastung der Ventilschäfte

    • Gefräster Außenzylinder für zusätzlichen Halt beim Pumpen

    • Gehäuse und Schaft aus Aluminium für dauerhafte Leistung

    • Inklusive Halterung zur Montage unter dem Flaschenhalter

    • Maximaler Druck: 6,9 bar (100 PSI)

    • Volumen pro Hub: 30 ccm

    Bewertungen anderer Rider


    13 Bewertungen


    Pump doesn’t work

    I tried multiple times and have yet to be able to use this pump every time on a trail. I need to borrow one from somebody else.



    Doesn’t work

    Tried multiple times to use, never worked. Had to borrow one from a friend to do the job.



    Don’t buy.

    This does not get a good seal and is too complicated not worth the hassle. Leaks air from the opposite side and hard to maneuver. Had to walk my bike home



    This pump is awful

    Don’t buy this pump unless you like being stranded.



    No Good

    The presta does not seal. Leaks air to the point you can't get any usable pressure. The hose seized and will not extend. Left me stranded.



    How do I successfully remove this from the tire?

    I have this pump & successfully attached it to the tire, inflated the tire with no issues, but when I go to remove the pump from the tire ... it takes the entire Presta stem off with it & deflates the tire entirely. I've been jackin' around with this for over 2 hours & about ready to throw this pump right into the garbage. I noticed a couple folks managed to inflate the tire successfully, but I can't find ANYONE who knows how to disconnect the pump without removing the valve. If you know how to do it ... please educate the rest of us.



    A bell pump from walmart would have done better

    Awful pump, poor seal on a presta valve after 15 minutes of pumping, could not reinflate by 700cx43 gravel tire. Did no better gripping the valve stem of an inner tube with air leaking around the valve and noty being able to get any of the "30cc" per pump into the tire. Extremely dissapointed in a company like Specialized putting their name on an unreliable and poorly designed piece of critical equipment. Being stranded on the side of the road because you thought you had the right equipment is the worst feeling. Shame on you Specialized.



    Pump no good

    Pulleds our a valve, and couldn't get any air in the tube





    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Mike W.


    Compacta e funcional

    Ela é bem pequena e leve. O fato de ter um cano flexível de borracha, facilita muito o seu uso. É preciso ter cuidado na hora de encaixar no bico, pois tem a parte de contato de metal com um sistema de giro para melhor encaixe, é bem preciso e requer atenção. Ela é eficiente, apesar do tamanho. Para quem gosta de economizar em peso, acho que é uma das melhores da marca! Já usei tanto em MTB quanto em Gravel e Road, e cumpriu bem o seu papel.

    Magnus C.


    Problema com a parte flex da bomba

    Gostaria de uma ajuda técnica, minha bomba tem um pouco mais de 1 ano de uso e fui fazer uso dela e quando extendi a parte flex dela não está voltando mais para dentro . Não sei o q fazer , podem me ajudar ?????



    screws securely onto your valve stem

    Out on Honeymoon Island's Pelican Trail, I had adjusted my fat tires down to 5 PSI for a deep sandy section, and was using my Specialized pump, trying to firm them back up to 8 or 9 PSI for the hard-packed bits. Hundreds of pump strokes later, I had managed to LOWER the pressure down to 4 PSI. Air bled out faster than I could pump it in due to the failure of the nozzle to seal onto the valve stem. I was about to throw this pump away and complain to my bike shop, but searched ""Specialized 30cc bike pump won't seal"", just in case someone else had solved my problem. One or two negative reviews here pointed out that the pump SCREWS SECURELY ONTO YOUR VALVUE STEM. Why didn't I know this? DOH! Testing back at home proved that the valve core stayed in stem. So, I am keeping this little guy! Do not expect speed with a 30cc barrel, but this pump is Solidly Built, fits in my saddle bag, and gets the job done. I might try the MTB version if this one wears out, but I like the short retractable hose on this model, which provides just enough slack to prevent back-and-forth stem movement. The best pump is the one you have with you, and the Air Tool Flex Pump, at 9"" x 1"", travels very easily.

    The G.


    So far so good

    Works well so far. I really like that the side-mount fits behind my water-bottle carrier. Pumps seem to come in for a lot of bad reviews - I once had a Silca in the 1970s, a work of art, that shattered - but this does look really well made, works smoothly, nothing leaks or rattles. If flats are a way of life, strap a floor pump to your bike - we had a Warm Showers guest who did that!

