Absolutely wonderful bike, has changed my and my two kids’ daily routines for the better. I ride them to school, then ride to work. It’s a massive, bulky bike (feels like the full-size SUV of bikes, or the full-sized cruiser of motorbikes) but what a fun blast to ride and live with.
I tried a bunch of bikes before buying, including those twice the price. This stood out because it’s a bike first, and feels like a great bike, and it’s also somehow simultaneously a full-sized cargo monster first too.
It’s fast. Adding the throttle is essential IMO, and makes stopping for stop lights, stop signs, whatever so much less frustrating than trying to balance a heavy bike with wriggly kids when starting off.
Good quality overall, although some issues with shutting off that I am working through. Accessories are expensive and the bike shop screwed up installing them a little, so they aren’t pristine, but super functional and the weight doesn’t matter with the powerful motor.
Huge fan.