52 Reviews
For as long as there've been saddles, women have been having issues with them. But where some see unsolvable problems, we see practical solutions. With our patented design, MIMIC technology helps create a saddle that perfectly adapts to your body to give you the support you need. And when you combine this technology with our Power Comp saddle, with its hollow Cr-Mo rails and Level 2 padding for extra comfort, you get a high-performance saddle that's designed to help you perform at your best. It still features all of the Body Geometry design characteristics you know and love, so you can be assured of superior, all-day comfort in any ride position.
Enter your sit bone width and we’ll calculate your saddle size.
We deliver! Just say when and how.
We pioneered the use of pressure mapping to validate our solutions are providing real rider benefit and are backed by real science. Pressure mapping shows how different Body Geometry saddles solve rider problems, from soft tissue pressure to sit bone pain, in any riding position.
52 Reviews
I am headed toward 70 and bought this saddle (143 mm) about 10 days before a 145 mile, 5 day mountain bike ride in the mountains of southern Colorado and was able to ride in just work-out shorts with no padding! Maybe it is just me but there was not a single pain or rub. I would call the saddle amazing.
I've been riding specialized saddles for 15 years and the Power Saddle with MIMIC is my first women's specific saddle (I have the Romin and Power Comp saddles on other bikes). It's comfortable and I'm happy with it, but I don't notice a world of difference between this saddle and my others. The pressure points aren't on any soft tissue and I'm not giving it any thought or excessively adjusting while riding.
At first, I liked this saddle, I really like the short nose. Then I started putting miles on it. It's horrible. True, my crotch doesn't hurt anymore but now the place where the bottom of my butt and the top of my leg meet gets seriously chaffed. Seriously, I'd rather have the crotch pain, at least that fades. I only rode 26 miles this morning and the chaffing was so bad that I had to come home. I've never had chaffing in all the years I've been cycling, and that's a lot of years. Soreness yes, but chaffing never. It has been painful all day and I don't see how I can possibly ride tomorrow. Don't waste your money. I hate this seat.
Super comfortable.
Finding a saddle that is comfortable has been exhausting. I was so happy to find this saddle because it is by far the most comfortable one I’ve tried! No joke, I’ve bought five of them! Unfortunately, three of them have cracked in the exact same spot! I ride on average 3000 miles a year. Five stars for comfort, but I have to give it a one star due to the durability.
very comfortable and top of the line performance. Very happy with it
Most comfortable saddle I’ve ever used - without a doubt! However I’ve broken 2 in less than 2 years. Starts to get a bit expensive. Trying a different saddle for my next replacement. Pity that these aren’t as durable as the Myth was :-(
I am on to my 4th 168mm power mimic saddle in three years. For me this was a saddle where on first use I thought ‘am I even sitting down’. A complete game changer in terms of comfort, allowing me to ride for longer than ever before! Unfortunately the saddles have all broken in the same way after about a year of riding. The plastic supporting the foam has snapped parallel to the top tube along the wings of the saddle. I’m 75kgs and this has happened on both the road bike and mtb. Disappointed as this seems to be an ongoing issue.
Surprisingly comfortable on a gravel bike vs conventional Power saddles.
It is excellent. I had lost some weight and realized that I just could not get comfortable on my road bike with 145cm seat, (the original one that came with the bike). My Sitz bones were sliding off the seat, not resting on the old seat. So I purchased the 155 cm seat and the 165 cm seat. The 155cm is working perfectly, and I am enjoying riding once again. I am keeping the 165 cm seat for the next bike I hope to get.
I have absolutely loved this saddle and have it on all of my bikes. It sits well on my sitbones and allows me to reduce pressure on my sensitive parts. I still find that I am able to move around on the saddle as well depending on the riding position. I recommend this to every woman (and man) I know.
Awesome saddle that is soft in the right spot and stiff in the others
I purchased this saddle in a 143 mm size and mounted it on my Specialized Turbo Como ebike. I have ridden over 500 miles on my bike with this saddle. I had a sit bone measurement of 98 mm and the salesman said the 143 mm saddle would be perfect. I sit in an upright position because it’s a cruiser style ebike. I love the looks of this saddle much better than the super wide saddle that came with my new ebike. But I’m having trouble getting comfortable on the bike. I am a woman and wear padded cycling shorts. Maybe I should have purchased the 155 mm saddle.
This saddled seemed so perfect, the cut out for the lady bits is spot on, the shortness of the nose too. I took to it straight away... Had my seat bones measures and away i went... Two weeks in and one of the wings cracked... So i took it back and got it replaced under warranty.. All was good for 12 weeks then both sides went, plastic cracked. No crashing.. Its just not strong enough. Gutted but i will be returning it again this week to the shop. Its an expensive saddle that really does wonders for the bits but its just not hardwearing at all. Please address this problem as a few ladies have said their 'wings' have cracked too. But don't alter the geometry...
This saddle supports my sit bones well and keeps even weight distribution. The shorter length is perfect to eliminate thigh chafing experienced with a longer saddle & the divot increases comfort a ton.
Best saddle for women out there! I have been having saddle issues for 5 years and than finally discovered this saddle.
Perfect fit. Soft. Special for long rides.
I love this saddle so much I’ve bought another one for my summer bike. Even after 100km ride I felt no discomfort. It seems to suit lots of woman judging by how popular it is among my female cycling friends.
I've only been out for a few rides and made a few adjustments but this is far more comfortable than my previous saddle, Selle Italia Diva Flow. I feel I'm using my sit bones rather than mashing the soft bits. It also feels like there's more power through the pedal strokes. So far I'm pleased
Best saddle I have used. Saddle sores are clearing up and just about a non issue
Absolutely love this saddle. It took away pain in my rear and in my lower back. It has reduced the pain in the groin area as well
This seat is a huge improvement over my prior one. My initial reaction is that the design, thanks to the center depression/indentation, is much better for women than many other seats on the market. I can sit in this without feeling like something is aggressively digging into me, which is a huge plus. This will also be good for you if you are accustomed to harder seats — there is no padding and the seat does feel hard. Keep that in mind when selecting this versus something with gel or some other kind of cushioning.
The Mimic tech is as wonderful as other reviews claimed. The center of the saddle is super plush and comfortable. The pressure is finally on my sitbones where it belongs. I measured my sitbones in a bike shop and the "performance saddle" recommendation was 155mm, which fits me perfectly on my road bike. The comfort is very sensitive to the angle of the saddle, so bring the allen wrench out on your first ride and adjust it as you go to get it just right.
The most comfortable saddle I've ever ridden on - did an 85km ride with no pain, so have now bought a 2nd one of these for my touring bike!
I finally started putting some miles on my 2014 Dolce (I know....) and found that the stock saddle was going to be a problem. I spent some time adjusting the saddle and lubing my ladyparts before every ride but it was just miserable. I was intrigued by the "mimic" technology on this saddle and gave it a shot. Wowzers. It is 100% comfortable 100% of the time. I found that I actually have to tilt the saddle SLIGHTLY up in order to really let the cushy part do it's job, otherwise it wasn't too much better than having nothing but a hole there. But once I found that sweet spot, there was no looking back. I'll be putting this saddle on every road bike I have going forward.
Bought this saddle on the recommendation of a Youtuber (Mo Awesome). Definitely the most comfortable saddle I've ever ridden on. Unfortunately, not the most ruggedly built. I ride about once a week, when I'm lucky, and this saddle only lasted a year and a half. To me that is a short time compared to previous saddles and price point. I still would recommend this saddle on comfort alone.
not quiet everything that it was said to be
Super comfy! Cheers to buttpain-free rides :)
I put this seat on my mountain bike. It has been very comfortable. The perfect amount of padding and I like that the nose is shorter so I don’t catch my shorts when standing up.
I haven't ridden a bike for more than 35 years. I heard good things on line about the power comp mimic saddle. According to the Specialized size finder I needed a 155mm saddle-but if I had measured 141 instead of 140 I would have needed the 165mm saddle. Our hip bones continue to spread til we are 79. My sit bones needed more comfort. I ordered a Specialized bridge comp with mimic with level 3 padding in a 165mm and found heaven for my rear! I hope Specialized never stops making saddles with mimic! Saddles with overstuffed pillow cushions and/or channels of any kind are not for me.
Great seat - I selected the size based on my actual measurements taken at the bike shop and it is treating me very well. I'm very happy with this saddle.
I bought the power mimic 164mm off eBay, used / cheap for my girlfriend to try out on her road bike. she never did. she bought a different saddle and is satisfied with that. I built up a new mountain bike and put the mimic on just because I had it and its light weight. I freekin love it!! I find it extremely comfortable and the shorter nose doesn't get in the way
I bought this saddle to replace the default one my bike came with when I bought it. Though it's still early days as I've been using the saddle for a bit more than a couple of week (went out riding 5 or 6 times). But I've noticed a difference in comfort, my private parts are not as sore as they were before.. Otherwise, the saddle looks well done and doesn't feel very heavy. Overall, I'm happy with my purchase.
My wife found it the most comfortable seat she has tried and it’s a long list.
Love this saddle for overall comfort and performance! My lady bits are never sore anymore, no matter the length of the ride I go on. My only issue with it is the plastic of the wings isn't durable. I was downhilling, had a crash and one of the wings snapped so definitely bummed I have to replace it after only two seasons.
The channel and sit bone support on this saddle are amazing. The problem is the wings flare out and have very little to no padding around to the underside. The result is it rubs against the legs and left me with sores. Curve the edges down and pad them to the underside to protect the legs on the up and down strokes. The rest of the saddle is amazing. Please fix.
I love this saddle 90% of the time. It's supportive and the mimic really helps keep the lady bits comfortable. The issue I have is with the shape of the wings of the saddle, they tend to dig in behind my hamstrings pushing me forward on the saddle and rubbing on long rides. I bought the Power Arc as well and the shape solves this perfectly, though the lack of mimic makes it uncomfortable on the lady bits for longer rides. I find myself having to pick different shorts depending on what saddle I'm using that day.
I'm male, 61 years old, 6 ft tall, 165 pounds, ride 100-160 miles per week. When I was younger, I could ride any saddle, now every saddle makes my sit bones ache. A men's Power saddle no longer works for me (unbearable after 20 miles). I like short saddles, so tried this woman's saddle in 153 (on another older rider's recommendation). It's a huge improvement, but I still get sore (the sit bones) after 20 miles and need to adjust position a lot. I've not solved my problem, but this is an improvement. At some point I may have to resign myself to a ""comfort"" saddle. Don't get old.
I used to buy mid-level saddles that were women specific. On clearance of course. They were just fine so long as they weren't too long or narrow. Then came menopause. While the wise bicycrones were correct that the sweats happen on the bike if you keep cycling, nobody warned me about the changes in anatomy that would suddenly make a formerly good saddle into a torture implement. I tried a couple of different women specific saddles, which ended up being pushed back and tilted to be even passible. On the trainer I noticed numbness in both my nether regions and lower extremities. I decided to look for something different. I inventoried my woes, watched some videos that my husband took of my cycling style and form, and then I found this revelation. I picked one up at my LBS and put it on my trainer. I was hoping to not be sore or numb - and I wasn't. Over the hour plus trainer ride, I realized that my knees were happier in the improved riding position that came with a saddle of the proper width and proper design for my body. I will still bring a wrench and tweak the pitch and position when I get it out for a real world ride later this week, but I don't think this saddle is going back to the shop.
I had heard from others how great this seat was and how you can be measured for it to fit well. I went to the dealer and got fitted. They did not have the item in stock so I ordered directly from Specialized. When the seat came I changed the seat and rode it inside first. I was not enamored in fact, my sit bones actually bothered me during the ride. Even trying it off the trainer bothered me. I was very disappointed and went back to my original seat which was more comfortable.
I am relatively new to mountain biking, I bought a new bike, not exactly cheap (Scott Contessa) and thought the seat would be ok but by week 7 after a 55km ride my undercarriage was not in a good place. I read LOTS of reviews and after following a video of how to measure my sit bones I purchased the 168mm. I am 5ft 2 and weigh 81 kgs so I'm a bit of a chunk. I was still a bit unsure as to whether I had spent a lot of money on something that wasn't going to live up to the hype BUT it is so comfortable. I have no rubbing at all, nothing touches the softer tissue. The nose is slightly shorter and very comfortable, supportive without being intrusive. I did tilt it slightly down as I was concerned that it would rub in the same place as my previous saddle and I had no problems, I felt I was sitting where I needed to be. I have used it on various rides, gravel, downhill, cross country and nothing changes - it really is fantastic.
Had lots of female issues and this saddle stopped them all and I love to ride more than ever!!
After years of trying fits and saddles, this one finally did the trick. The original power saddle did NOT do it for me, and neither did the oura. I was ready to head to something different when I decided to give this last one a try, in a bigger size (165 rather than 155). It was perfect! The shape definitely is a lot better than the original power, at least for the sitbone pain I felt. As an aggressive rider and criterium racer, I also really appreciate the cushioning. That being said-- the ""mimic"" material has already started to wear out greatly, after only a season. It no longer provides support and actually, if you feel it, it creates a pinch point w/ hard plastic underneath. Don't know if I will replace or go with something that will last multiple years.... bummer :(
I've burned so much money trying out different brands and models looking for a saddle that doesn't leave my soft tissue numb and raw. The cutouts helped for shorter rides but would still cut off circulation to the point where I would have to stand to recover frequently. My boyfriend actually found an article on this new saddle and encouraged me to try it out. Mostly because one of the reviewers half-joked that she would have to choose between a bike ride or actually enjoying sex with her partner....and I could relate. I was doubtful, but decided to read up and give it another go at yet another saddle. As of today, I've taken it out for 25 miles strictly mountain biking and I'm a believer. I didn't have to adjust or stand to relieve numbness or rubbing even once. I feel pressure--but not discomfort--in exactly the right place: my sit bones. Somehow, everything else just disappears. I was doubtful of how a saddle that doesn't have a cutout could accomplish this, but they figured it out. I really can't praise this saddle enough. And to the women who exposed themselves to the invasive testing and development phase for the sake of all of us, THANK YOU. Granted, there is no one saddle to fit all, so I will mention that I tend to lean forward in my saddle stance, so a lot of my weight is on my pubic bone when I'm climbing. Somehow this saddle accommodates that really well.The only negative I've noticed with this saddle is that the wider back of it makes it more difficult to really drop yourself down and back on steep descents, especially for ledges and drops. But for all the comfort it provides otherwise, I'm willing to sacrifice. I'll be buying one for my road and fat bike as well. I'm very grateful for this product.
No saddle is going to be right for everyone but for the first time in my 49 years, I can actually RIDE now. I had to learn how to, I had to get my bike fitted as well but I am able to manage this Saddle whereas I couldn't with others.
I'm currently riding a Romin 168, and while I find it generally comfortable, it puts more pressure than I'd like on the girly parts. So with all the hype about the mimic stuff, I figured I'd give it a try. I really, REALLY wanted to love this saddle, and for the first 30 minutes or so, I thought I did. But then the pain started to set in. The first problem for me is the shape. I honestly don't know how anyone with legs can find this shape comfortable - those crazy corners just dig into you, and after 15 miles or so each down stroke of the pedal is murder. I tried moving forward a bit which sorta helped, but then my sit bones started to really hurt. For a while I was thinking that maybe I should try the 155 to deal with those crazy corners... and I was seriously considering that for a while... But somewhere around mile 20-30 I started to get real pain in the girly parts. At first I thought maybe I was still sitting too far forward. So I forced myself to deal with the pain on the down strokes and moved back again... but no help. It seems like instead of relieving the pain and pressure, all this saddle did was to concentrate it. I got home hours ago, and the bones along the outside edges of the girly parts are still screaming in agony. But the worst part is the pain further up front. That super soft foam that felt nice and cushy for the first 20-30 miles started to pack down, and by mile 50 or so, I felt like I was riding on a solid piece of steel. Seriously, I think I stood up on the pedals the whole last 3-4 miles of the ride because it just hurt too much to sit on the thing. So I guess it's back to my Romin. I know lots of women find this saddle incredibly comfortable, but clearly, I am not one of them. Bottom line, it didn't help the pain and pressure in the girly parts - if anything, it made it worse, plus the shape is also just painful and uncomfortable - at least for my anatomy. Heavy sigh. Now I'm off to go research the return policy...
I really wanted to love this saddle. My other bike has a Brooks B17S which is broken in and comfortable enough for century rides, though I still experience a little (relatively insignificant) pressure on my lady parts. My new bike came with a saddle that was far too narrow, putting pressure farther in on my pubic bones and generally mashing soft tissues so off to my local Specialized dealer I went. Interested in trying a cut out for the first time, and with my sit bones measured at 133mm, I ended up taking home the 155mm Power Comp with Mimic. I was immediately delighted with the shallow squishy well of the Mimic portion. With my sit bones supported, for the first time perhaps ever I had zero pressure on my soft tissues whether I was more upright or leaning forward more aggressively. A dream! However, after 5 days of riding about 50km/day, I found that however I might play with saddle fore and aft, nose up and down, because of the shape I was stuck in one fixed spot rather than being able to move around a bit atop, lending the sensation of drilling my sit bones into a brick. Worse still, I began to develop swelling and a sore right where my hamstrings meet glutes (back of upper leg meets butt) where I was pressing into that hard triangular wedge edge of the saddle. I was ready to push through the discomfort of brick-on-sit-bones, figuring I'd numb out to that in good time, but it would seem the shape lacks enough slope and, being so wedge shaped and short, removes the opportunity to have more than one comfortable/functional spot. I couldn't get free of that. If the regular power works well for you, then this may too! I really look forward to seeing which other saddles Specialized will offer with Mimic in the future, as I'd be keen to try an alternative shape and have all parts down there be discomfort free.
Love it, a small difference in my previous power saddle, but all the difference in comfort. I can now enjoy the whole ride, as long as it takes, and not just the beginning. Thanks!
I always hated the cutout in the power saddle. But specialized filled it with the most amazing kind of foam that forms to your body and keeps you comfortable! So great!
Omg this saddle is amazing did my first ride with it today. So comfortable and no numbness. It even reduced my back pain only started to get twinges at the end of my ride instead of on the first climb. So glad this has been designed. Would definitely recommend
From the bottom of my lady parts to my heart, we thank you thank you! Went for an hour ride and felt NOTHING! The ultimate test for me is to ride with no hands and typically I can't as the pressure is too painful and I end up sitting lopsided. Not today! Best saddle ever!
This saddle sounds great... but one size still doesn't fit all. The main problem for me is that the front edge of the back part (if that makes sense) cuts into the backs of my thighs. I haven't use the old Power saddle, and it sounds like Specialized tried to address that problem with the Mimic version, but the shape is still quite different from a more classic saddle in how gradually it tapers from the seat to the nose. For me, it's an immediate dealbreaker for this saddle - cuts in deeply enough that it's hurting my muscles, not just a little pressure on the outside. If I move forward on the saddle to try to compensate, my sit bones are no longer supported and I'm falling off the nose. Moving the whole saddle forward (not back) helped a little, but then my riding position was off (knee pain), and I should not have to change my entire riding position to accommodate a saddle. I have pretty average thighs for a woman, so I expect this would be a problem for others. I also found that the new Mimic squishy parts on the front/middle are not squishy enough for me. I normally use a cutout and thought a little support would be better than none, but this is too much support without enough give. Not nearly as painful as a flat saddle with no cutout or channel, but still a bit uncomfortable. It seems like maybe the deeper part in this saddle is too far back for me - it's the front bits that need more give, not the middle part (at least for me). Finally, the back of the saddle is not that comfortable either. The sit-bone spots feel uncomfortably convex, instead of nicely seating my sit bones, but maybe those would break in. (I put in 40-50 mi over 3 commuting days before giving up because of the backs-of-thighs thing.) Bottom line: If the unusual Power shape and something between a flat saddle and a cutout sound right for you, this saddle might do the trick. Otherwise, try with caution.