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    Romin Evo Comp mit MIMIC

    100,00 €


    13 Bewertungen

    Solang es Sättel gibt, haben Frauen Probleme mit ihnen. Wo andere unlösbare Probleme…



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    Druckmessung Performance

    Druckmessung Performance

    Als Vorreiter auf diesem Gebiet arbeiten wird schon lange mit Druckmessungen, um unsere Produkt-Innovationen zu untermauern und dem Rider einen Vorteil verschaffen zu können - all das gestützt auf wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen. Die Druckmessung zeigt auf, wie verschiedene Body Geometry Sättel die Probleme der Fahrer lösen - von Druck in den Weichteilen bis zu Sitzknochen-Schmerzen, in jeder Fahrposition.


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    Solang es Sättel gibt, haben Frauen Probleme mit ihnen. Wo andere unlösbare Probleme sehen, sehen wir praktikable Lösungen. Mit unserer patentierten MIMIC-Technologie haben wir einen Sattel entworfen, der sich perfekt an deinen Körper anpasst und dir den Support gibt, den du brauchst.

    Wir haben dieses Design mit der langen Nase und dem gebogenen Profil unseres Romin EVO Comp kombiniert. Und mit seinen Co-Mo Sattelstreben und Level 2 Polsterung kommt ein High-Performance Sattel heraus, der entwickelt wurde, Spitzenleistungen aus dir herauszuholen. Er verfügt weiterhin über die Body Geometry-Designelemente, die du kennst und liebst. So kannst du sicher sein, dass du den ganzen Tag Komfort haben wirst, egal in welcher Fahrposition.

    • Patentiertes, im Labor entwickeltes Body Geometry-Design für optimale Durchblutung der empfindlichen Arterien

    • Die Innovative MIMIC-Technologie bedient sich verschiedener, geschichteter Materialien, um das Weichgewebe gleichmäßig abzustützen und eine Anschwellung zu verhindern.

    • Leichtes und extrem haltbares Sattelgestell aus hohlem Cr-Mo-Edelstahl

    • Polsterungsgrad der Stufe 2: Mitteldichter Schaumstoff sorgt eine für direkte Verbindung zum Bike bei angenehmer Dämpfung

    • Größe 143 mm / Gewicht g

    • Size 155mm / Weight 246g

    • Size 168mm / Weight 257g

    Bewertungen anderer Rider


    13 Bewertungen


    Favorite saddle

    Completed a 500 mile week with absolutely no saddle pain! Previously I would get a saddle sore if I rode 3-4 days in a row, but not with this one! I’m even thinking I’ll get it for my mountain bike for the longer days in the saddle.



    Not for me

    The struggle continues with finding a perfect saddle. This saddle shape definitely reduced the hot spot area where one would tend to get saddle sores, but as for being a women I feel the front part is too narrow and creates a lot of unwanted pressure. I think padding wise, it is a touch on the firmer side. I'd recommend this more for men as their ischium bones are more narrow compared to women.

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Mandy M.


    Comfort at last

    I have tried at least 15 saddles to get ready for a century. Finally with the Roman Eco I found one. It is the most comfortable saddle I have ever ridden on. I feel it is due to not having a cut out in the seat. There is just enough padding. I know saddles are very personal, but this one is worth a try.

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Linda W.


    Excellent seat. I ride in

    Excellent seat. I ride in a forward position on aero bars and after about a three ride break in period it’s perfect. I ride 25 to 30 miles a day and I don’t even notice the seat. I have no soreness afterwards either. I also have a selle seat with a cutout, but this one is way more comfortable. I am 5’6” and 145lbs. When I measured my sitbones I was at a size where I could go with the 143mm, but went the 155mm because I occasionally like to ride upright and I didn’t want the saddle to be too narrow.

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Guest G.


    Excellent quality and fit!

    Excellent quality and fit!

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Jeff L.


    This is a winner like

    This is a winner like the first specialized saddle I brought. Never think about it when I am riding.

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Guest G.


    It was a whole new

    It was a whole new world! Love this new pain-free saddle. I also ensured to put it on downwards to prevent pressure against my soft tissue.

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Guest G.


    Comfortable for different positions, even

    Comfortable for different positions, even five hours into a ride.

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Karina S.


    I have been searching for

    I have been searching for a comfortable saddle for a long time, spending lots of money and tears in the process. This seat has finally answered my prayers. It is so comfortable and for the price it is hard to beat. I have tried much more expensive seats and they were no where near as good. If you are having trouble finding the “unicorn” saddle, I recommend you try this one.

    Würdest du es empfehlen?

    Geprüfter Käufer
    Cate C.


    No pain!

    My previous saddle became very uncomfortable after turning 55 (pain and numbness). After lots of reading other women's reviews about this saddle I gave it a try. I am pleased to report that I did a 42 k gravel ride on the weekend and felt **no pain or numbness**. Yay. I set it up with the front 2/3 on the level. I felt like I was slipping forward slightly so I may play with the angle a bit, but I can live with the current set up it it leaves me pain free. So far so good and I would say it's definitely worth a try if you are unhappy with your current saddle.




    After 10 years of trying saddles, reading about bike fit, getting a professional bike fit, riding through pain, knowing that all of the saddles I tried didn't fit right and it is not because I don't know how to set up my bike ... THIS is the first saddle I can ride 40 miles and not be sore afterward. The 168 size. The shape and padding and MIMIC are perfect. The Specialized Avatar Comp Gel 155 was one of the more tolerable saddles I rode prior to this one, but I always thought it wasn't wide enough. I still cannot believe that I can ride in comfort for reasonable distances for the first time in my life.



    Two rides in and I may have fonally found my seat

    The best saddle I ever sat was a Specialized women's Comp that I won in a race years (read: decades) ago. They quit making it so I went through a litany of high dollar seats in my quest to find Unicorn Seat. During said decades my body geometry has changed so what worked in the past didn't work now. Anyway, if you are about 5'6"", muscular but well fed, and see 50 in your rear view mirror, try this seat. PS: I used to ride the narrowest seat I could find but this time I went with the wider model. Unicorn Seat? Maybe.



    So far so good

    Been using this for about 3 weeks. Previous saddle didn't have any pressure relief and that was pretty uncomfortable. I was looking for something that didn't risk flapmash and this seemed to be a safe choice. So far only been out for a couple 1-1.5 rides but has been really comfortable, good pressure relief and comfortable padding.

