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    2021 Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon EVO



    30 レビュー




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    グラベルライドがここまで魅力的なのはなぜでしょう?窮屈な街中の道や渋滞から逃れられるから?タイヤが砂利を踏みつける音が耳に心地よいから?それとも、冒険心が掻き立てられるから?その理由は何であれ、Turbo Creo SL EVOなら、森の奥まで突き進み、グラベルロードを軽快に下り、次なる冒険へと出かけられます。Creo SLと同じモーター、バッテリー、フレームを採用していますが、そのタイヤクリアランスを活かし、冒険にいつでも出られるようにするコンポーネントを搭載しているので、気の赴くままに走り出せます。あなたはあなたのまま、さらに速く走れるようになるのです。

    Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon EVOは、Fact 11r カーボンフレームを採用します。つまり、S-Works モデルとフレームが同じであり、さらにFuture Shock 2.0も搭載しています。そのスペックには、変速とブレーキングを担う1x仕様のShimano GRX グループセットや、速く走り、舗装路も未舗装路も突き進めるワイドなPathfinder Pro 38c タイヤを履かせたDT R470 Boost™ ホイールセットを選びました。サドルには快適さに定評のあるBody Geometry Power Sportを選びました。また、X-Fusion Manic Dropper Postは、下っている最中に路面が荒れだしたときに役に立ちます。

    • Creo SLはクラス最軽量のe-bikeであり、競合製品よりも数キロ軽量です。軽くて高剛性のFACT 11r カーボンフレームは、ダンシングでのペダリングパワーを受け止め、コーナーに勢いよく突っ込めるようにするだけでなく、全体的な重量を削減し、航続可能距離を増やします。

    • 軽いSL 1.1 モーターは、240ワットのパワーでペダリングを静かに力強くアシストし、あなたの労力を軽減させます。モーターの反応性に優れたトルク曲線は、通常走行時のケイデンスと完璧に同調し、非アシスト時には抵抗を生じさせません。

    • バッテリーがライドの途中で切れるのではないかと不安ですか?Creo SLでは心配不要です。最長130kmを走行可能な内蔵バッテリーを備えたCreo SLなら、長距離ライドも楽々とこなせます。後から購入可能のレンジエクステンダーを用いれば、航続可能距離を最長65km伸ばすことができます。

    • Mission Control アプリと接続すると、SL 1.1 モーターをあなたの走り方に合わせてチューニングし、ライドを記録し、バッテリー残量を表示させることができます。このアプリは、バッテリーを自動的に管理するため、ライドを無事終えるまで、バッテリーを切らさないよう維持できます。さらに、このモーターはすべてのANT+ ヘッドユニットにデータを送信できるパワーメーターまで内蔵します。そして接続したくない場合もご安心を。トップチューブに搭載されたTurbo Connect Unit(TCU)から、ライドに必要なすべての操作を行えます。

    • Future Shock 2.0は、路面を問わず疲労を軽減させ、さらなる速さを引き出します。このモデルは、ステムにあるノブで動きを調整します。コンプレッションは全開から固めまで調整でき、リバウンドは油圧式減衰機構で制御します。新しいSmooth Boot、トップキャップ、Future ステムは、ヘッドチューブとステムをスムーズにつなぎ、よりクリーンな外観を実現します。

    • Retülの莫大なデータから、異性間より同性間の方が体格に差があることが判明しました。性別だけを取り上げても、サイズを特殊化するのに十分なデータは得られません。したがって、男性用や女性用のバイクを作ることは独断的であり、時代遅れなのです。これを踏まえ、スペシャライズドはすべてのライダーにもっとも良くフィットするジオメトリーを開発。こうして舗装路では快適かつ機敏に走り、グラベルバイク特有の性質、つまりは長めのホイールベース、オフセットが多めのフォーク、そしてTurbo Creo SL EVOを高速域で安定させ、コーナーを安心して攻められるようにする低めのボトムブラケットを備えたジオメトリーが完成しました。


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    Specialized SL1-320, fully integrated, 320Wh


    Specialized TCU, 10-LED State of charge, 3-LED Ride Mode display, ANT+/Bluetooth®


    Custom charger, 48V System w/ SL system charger plug

    Wiring Harness

    Custom Specialized wiring harness w/ chargeport



    FACT 11r carbon, Open Road Geometry, front/rear thru-axles, fully integrated down tube battery, internal cable routing, fender/rack mounts, Boost™ 12x148mm

    Seat Binder

    Specialized Alloy, 30.8mm



    Future Shock 2.0 w/ Smooth Boot, Boost™ 12x110mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc


    Front Brake

    Shimano GRX 810 hydraulic disc

    Rear Brake

    Shimano GRX 810 hydraulic disc


    Shift Levers

    Shimano GRX 810 hydraulic brake levers, mechanical shifting

    Rear Derailleur

    Shimano RX812 GX, Shadow Plus, 11-speed


    Sunrace, 11-speed, alloy spider, 11-42t


    Shimano HG601, 11spd


    Praxis Forged/M30 Spindle Interface


    Praxis, 44T, 110BCD

    Wheels & Tires

    Rear Wheel

    DT R470 Boost, 12x148mm

    Front Tire

    Pathfinder Pro 2Bliss Ready, Transparent Sidewall, 700x38c

    Front Wheel

    DT R470 Boost, 12x110mm

    Rear Tire

    Pathfinder Pro 2Bliss Ready, Transparent Sidewall, 700x38c

    Inner Tubes

    Presta valve, 48mm



    Future Stem, Pro


    Specialized Adventure Gear Hover, 103mm drop x 70mm reach x 12º flare


    Roubaix S-Wrap


    Body Geometry Power Sport, steel rails


    X-Fusion Manic Dropper, 50mm travel



    Fender Clamp Adaptor

    * 重量は、写真のように塗装されたフレームの生産に基づいています。実際の重量は、カラーウェイ、フレームサイズ、コンポーネントのバリエーションにより異なります。仕様は予告なしに変更されることがあります。


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    Crank Length165mm170mm172.5mm172.5mm175mm175mm
    Handlebar Width380mm400mm420mm420mm440mm440mm
    Stem Length80mm90mm100mm100mm110mm110mm
    Seatpost Length315mm315mm350mm380mm380mm380mm
    Saddle Width155mm155mm143mm143mm143mm143mm
    Head-Tube Length145.5mm145.5mm163.5mm185.5mm217mm250mm
    Head-Tube Angle71.5°72°72.5°73°73°73°
    B-B Height264.5mm264.5mm267mm267mm269.5mm269.5mm
    B-B Drop80.5mm80.5mm78mm78mm75.5mm75.5mm
    Fork Length (full)390mm390mm390mm390mm390mm390mm
    Fork Rake/Offset50mm50mm50mm50mm50mm50mm
    Chain-Stay Length426mm426mm426mm427mm427mm428mm
    Top-Tube Length (horizontal)527mm539mm548mm566mm581mm605mm
    Bike Stand-Over Height728mm731mm759mm782mm810mm840mm
    Seat-Tube Length415mm447.5mm477.5mm502.5mm527.5mm557.5mm
    Seat-Tube Angle74°74°74°73.5°73.5°73°


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    Specialized Bicycle Owner's Manual (All Languages)
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    Li Ion Battery UN38.3 Test Summary
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    Range Extender (SBC-B16) User Manual
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    Charger User Manual (SBC-C04 / SBC-C05 / SBC-C06 / SBC-C07)




    30 レビュー


    Muito satisfeito

    Estou muito satisfeito com a bike, muito confortável e dinâmica! Top!




    This bike is the best thing that ever happened to me! It combines all worlds into one. Able to drive gravel, safe feeling on the street thanks to the ability to have fatter tires with profile, and a light weight engine with a long lasting battery, which doesn't remove the natural feel of driving a sports bike - or simply letting you drive a sports bike as you can turn the engine off! Mid 40s, working way too much, anything but fit, needing to get fitter. I have gotten a mountainbike, followed by a race bike, and I also got an e-citybike during the Covid crisis. None of them cut it. The first 2 due to stamina issues and no motivation to build it up as it was too hard - making it less fun to ride long distances, and the last one because it just wasn't... fun. Thanks Specialized. Thought I'd never buy from you because you have this reputation of being overrated, but you clearly won me over with this gem of a bike. Keep it up!



    Converted to Specialized, haven't looked back since.

    High performance gravel bike. For an electric bike, its very light weight. Motor has the right level of power and range on the battery. I can for sure get 65 miles. I haven't gone further, but that's because I'm on the gravel and climbing hills. I've seen lots of converted Creo Turbos into MTB/Gravel cross overs. Would be very interesting to but a tire on with a bit more capacity and do more adventure riding with it. The vibration absorption is amazing. Can ride for hours. A number of occasions I've done the first 10 miles no power, the bike is fine without it as well. Want to get back in home for dinner, put on the power and cruise home at 25. Hard to want to ride the other bikes.


    Mike G.


    grande bici con forte versatilità

    Ho acquistato questa bici a luglio 2021 e sono molto soddisfatto. Permette grande versatilità sia nello sforzo che sul percorso. E' una bici da 13 kg e ciò consente anche di usarla come muscolare. bici top



    Best bike I ever bought!

    I will be 69 before 2022 is over with and I wanted a bike I could ride till I die and also use for commuting to work as long as that lasts. Save money on Gas and it is good for your health. I am still healthy, and I still ride my Cannondale Road Bike to keep my legs strong. If I dialed back from Turbo mode to ECO or Sport Mode it would also keep my legs strong but when I am on the Specialized, I just want Turbo Mode all the time. This Specialized bike is the best money I ever spent on any bike, Period! I am thinking of buying another one just for off road use.




    Game changer

    Bought to get off roads/away from traffic. Not only has it achieved this, but the distance you can cover offroad has opened up so much more. Found fantastic places I just would never have discovered. The only negative thing I can say about this bike is my other (road) bike still hangs in the garage untouched. Specialized have built a fantastic bike which will put a smile on your face everytime - and turn heads as you accelerate past! Fabulous - thank you!!


    Gray D.


    Best 9% or higher grade Hills

    If you live up on the Hill and the high grade was stopping to bike a lot. This Bike will solve your issue. I have this bike over 2 months and I already put 400 plus miles on it.




    Bought two Creo SL

    Being road bike riders we bought two of these, one for me and one for my spouse. Now like never before we can ride together. I no longer have to look back to see where she might be because with the pedal assist she can dial in any speed and easily keep up with me. Particularily on the hills where she cruises by me and shouts "turbo baby" as she passes. So more than ever it's going to keep us riding together farther, longer and later in life (we are in our 60's) As far as the bike it's great, high quality and the pedal assists works very well, charges easily and fast, components are decent and really everything about the bike is nice. Bought online sight unseen which was a little scary due to the high price of these but worked out really well. Really no need for a drop post for casual riding, we traded ours in for a standard post and upgrade on one of the seats.


    David K.


    First Specialized bike and the

    First Specialized bike and the second new bike I ever purchased. As my first eBike, super impressed by the power, quality of the build and bike features and functionality. Purchased online and my local bike shop was great. A cyclist since I was a kid, this bike has helped to reignite my passion for biking. It really makes you faster and better. Great charging, fast and app is cool. Highly recommend.


    Verified Buyer
    Carl J.


    Love this Bike! I use

    Love this Bike! I use it for commuting road riding gravel riding . Just pull the trigger if you are thinking about it and have the money! Price is steep but the bike is incredible!


    Verified Buyer
    Guest G.


    Very nice ride,everything worked great.Assembly

    Very nice ride,everything worked great.Assembly by the Bike House San Clemente,thanks guys.My only complaint,the seat was very uncomfortable for me,l bought a Specialized Mimic seat,much better.


    Verified Buyer
    Guest G.


    I’m thrilled with this bike.

    I’m thrilled with this bike. Much as with a purchase of an eMtn bike three years ago rekindled my joy of riding off-road, my new Turbo Creo has pulled me back onto the paved roads less traveled. The Creo is a superbly designed machine. At 72 years of age, I’m like a kid again enjoying the freedom and fitness of cycling


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    Guest G.


    Been on the fence for

    Been on the fence for some time on purchasing an e-bike. I only ride Specialized so the brand was a no brainer. This model was on sales and I thought now was the time. Overall it’s a great bike for the money. The added power is perfect for those days you just want to ride but the legs are screaming not today. I still get a great workout but most of all love just going for a ride. It also give you an opportunity to feel like a pro dropping 500-600 sustain watts. If your on the fence like I was just go for it! This bike should be everyone’s +1!


    Verified Buyer
    Guest G.


    It's given me my cycling life back

    I am 57, with a defibrillator, on a high dose of betablockers. My husband suggested "Stacey" in April 2021 so we could do longer rides together. Overnight I became a more skilled rider: since all my energy isn't spent on just trying to keep up, I have time to think about obstacles, plus I have more power to get over them. The dropper seatpost makes me feel more confident on the descents. The assistance on High is incredible; I can get up nearly anything. I have seen the look on my husband's face when he's turned to see how far behind I am, and I'm right there! I have the Range Extender now and I'm even more relaxed. We did 67km (42miles) and 1300m (4200ft) of climbing on Saturday and I still had 42% left. This bike is real peace of mind. I don't feel guilty that my husband is having a boring time, I don't worry that I'm not going to make it up the hill, I don't feel agitated that I'm going to get tired in the middle of nowhere. I don't feel a failure any more.




    Un vélo qui vous fait rajeunir !

    Ce vélo dépasse toutes mes espérances ! A 75 ans, je tiens allègrement l'allure des cyclos de mon club. Même en faux-plat montant lorsque le groupe dépasse les 25 km/h, du fait de la légèreté du vélo, je peux rester dans le peloton sans peine. Et alors... quel plaisir en montée !!! Être devant et couper le vent au jeunes cyclistes qui ahanent derrière en tirant la langue ! Je dirais, plutôt que VAE , que ce vélo est un vélo hybride car sans effort il n'avance pas !! On peut ainsi conforter sa forme physique sans aller dans les extrêmes. Avec la batterie intégrée, on peut atteindre les 130 km en mode ECO. On peut même, de temps en temps, passer en mode SPORT pour soulager ses jambes. Pour ma part, je suis équipé également de la batterie complémentaire à placer dans le porte bidon. On peut ainsi allègrement passer au delà des 200 Km. Bien sûr, il faut y mettre du sien, rester en prise et ne pas se laisser porter par l'assistance.



    ciao Giuseppe, posso chiederti dove l'hai acquistata ..... visto che in italia è purtroppo introvabile?

    Volevo chiedere a Specialized Italia quando sarà nuovamente reperibile in italia.



    Ottimo acquisto

    Ho acquistato questa bici e sono molto contento



    Better than I ever thought possible

    I’ve been looking in earnest at the Creo Turbo SL for some time and finally found and purchased a Carbon EVO model in that lovely blue. Three rides in and 120 miles later I’ve got to say this bike is way beyond comparison, no wonder people are raving about it. It’s a whole different ball-game out there on group rides as those have become no longer a slog but have found myself spinning away at the front. It’s simply the best 2-wheeled experience out there.





    Desde que me dejaron un modelo de test me enamoré , no vas mas rápido en carretera ni en montaña pero tiene la agilidad de una de carretera y bajar por senderos es una sensación increiblemente divertida, además que si uno está un poco en forma, la autónomia de la bateria se alarga a más de lo anunciado , un acierto de compra.



    Transformative technology

    I first test rode a quality road ebike in 2017. It was transformative but I bought a "normal" bike instead, thinking that ebike technology (weight, motor "assist" feel, system engineering, etc) was not yet mature. I waited, watching. When I finally pulled the trigger on this Turbo Creo SL I realized I should have bought this bike over a year ago when it first came out. Sure, improvements will still be made. But is the technology mature enough to buy into? Absolutely! Does this bike have a place beside my "normal" road bike? Yes, they complement each other. Will it feel like riding a "normal" bike or will the motor be omnipresent? The way mine's set up through the app, the motor NEVER takes over and comes on gradually, like a tailwind or catching a draft. Is there enough range to be useful? I go over 100 miles between charges. Don't be like me. Don't wait too long. If you're waiting for a really well done road ebike, I think it's here in the form of a Turbo Creo SL.


    Robert H.


    What a blast!

    Only on my 3rd ride but I already know it’s the best bike purchase I’ve ever made. I’ve been riding bikes for about 20 years and have mostly been a roadie. Now at 71 years old with the usual aches and pains plus some fitness sapping minor cancer issues this bike has totally re-energized my riding. Didn’t purchase it to conquer the the cycling world but just to keep up! This go anywhere bike opens many doors and the electric assist allows me to go through these doors. Looking forward to many more years of cycling on my Turbo Creo SL Carbon Comp Evo.




    Awesome all around bike. Helps even bigger riders

    It took a long time for me to save up and then ultimately buy an e-bike. The bike is for sure expensive, and I'm sure anyone seeing the price tag can realize that. The assistance it can provide is extremely addictive. The weight isn't bad all things considered. I had my bike weighed at a shop and the tool showed 30lbs. I have an XL size frame and this was while my bike still had tubes in it, I've since made it tubeless. I'm also a heavier rider. I'm for sure at the max of what the weight recommends for this bike. Even though I'm 275, I can still do 24 miles on turbo with an average speed of 18.3mph, and have 21% battery left. Elevation was only 1,053. I had smart control enabled but every time I looked down at mission control the app was showing "turbo." I will comment on the blue color. It doesn't look near as nice in person as it does on the website. The shop I went to didn't have the color I picked in stock. Having seen it in person, I would have gone with the green color.




    Ultimate gravel ride, excellent quality, and handling.

    My discipline is cross county mountain bike riding, but I also wanted to have a skinny tire, drop bar bike, to cross train with. And, I was actually shopping for a Diverge, but I bought the Turbo Creo SL Carbon Comp EVO on a whim instead. No regrets! It's very fun to ride, but more importantly it is well balanced and handles perfectly on the gravel and dirt roads and trails. The most I ride is a few hours at a time so there is always plenty of battery power. I like the fact that you can customize the amount of pedal assist (using a smart phone app) as well as being able to ride without the assist. I recommend installing the Turbo Display Connect (handlebar mounted computer). I ended up not needing the Dropper Post so I swapped it out for a suspension post (a U.S.E. SUMO XCR Carbon Suspension Seat post 27.2) which pairs absolutely perfectly with the Future shock 2.0.




    Buyer's Remorse

    I upgraded, or so I thought, to the Specialized Creo Comp Carbon EVO from a Cannondale Synapse Neo ebike a little over a month ago. I am an avid rider, I put over 1000 miles in a few short months on my synapse. I did extensive research comparing the two bikes, their components etc. One of the comparisons I did was with the battery range. I could get 90-100 using Eco/Sport and sometimes Touring on the synapse so I wasn't worried when I saw that the Creo would get 80. I have done the same rides as I did with the synapse and I am only getting 45-55 miles on a charge. On these rides I have a 3000-4000 elevation gain, use ECO for all but 5 miles (sometimes even off completely). I joined Facebook groups, read reviews and watched videos about the creo and everyone of them says they are getting closer to the 80 range. I am 5'6"" and 135 pounds and carry 2 water bottles with me on these rides so weight cannot be an issue. I truly believe that there is an issue with the battery or motor. I reached out via phone to Specialized and was given a staple answer of the issue and was also sold the RE, which I have found isn't giving me much more in range. Did 52 mile ride yesterday and used 132% battery utilizing Smart Control. I really truly believed that I was upgrading my ebike by switching to Specialized brand AND spending double what I paid for the synapse, however, I'm coming to realize it wasn't an upgrade at all.



    Great e-gravel bike

    I'm 71 (5-9 and 158) and have been cycling for 50 years (recreational and fitness). My average power is about 175w, and my goal with this e-gravel bike is a good workout with some assistance on the steep hills. From the specs, the motor is most efficient at a cadence of 70 to 90's. My typical cadence is 85. I've found what works best is to pedal without assistance until my cadence drops to 75 on steep hills before kicking in motor assistance - first in the ECO mode (35%) and, then if necessary to TRAIL mode (65%) for the steep hills. I don't use TURBO mode, which is a battery hog. My typical ride is 20 to 30 miles of rocky/gravel roads with 1,000 to 2,500 ft ascent with assist (avg of about 18%) of about 2.5wh/mile (roughly about 0.8% internal battery per mile). This bike has exceeded my goal of getting a great workout while providing assistance on steep hills to avoid killing my legs at very low cadence. In fact, I actually get a better overall workout with some assistance on hills than without any motor assist. Yes, $7k is steep for a bike. However, I ride 3-4 times per week and believe the technology, quality, and comfort are worth the cost.



    Fantastic e-bike

    I am 70 years old and this bike effectively restores the aerobic capacity of my youth. My FTP is probably down to 200 watts now, and my average watts on a ride is usually 150 watts or less. Now I can keep up with younger riders or do longer hilly rides without worrying about going too deep for my age. It sure makes fighting a headwind a lot easier. I've owned several high-end road bikes and find this bike very responsive and good handling. I don't notice the extra weight while riding. I ride mostly in eco mode with just enough power to comfortably keep up with the pace. I find setting Support/Peak power to 35/35 and riding at a comfortable effort uses about 1% internal battery per mile in rolling terrain. With this setting I'll still have to put in maybe 180 watts to get the peak power, so you still have put in the effort. I've gone as low as 30/25 and gotten more range while still getting noticeable assist. I bought a Specialized Seat Post clamp with integrated rack mount bolt hole so I can mount a rack and trunk bag for longer rides without having to plan a rest stop or carry a back pack. There are rack mounts on the seat stays and the rack can be easily installed/removed with three bolts. The bike is remarkably quiet and have ridden with others who didn't even notice it was an e-bike. The power comes on and off so smooth. I don't even notice when the power shuts off going down hill. Riding power-off feels just like a normal bike. I can't detect any motor drive train resistance riding with the power off. I did a power-off rolling Rouvy ride with the bike mounted on my Wahoo Kickr and my average speed was about the same as my normal road bike. During one group ride I had to stop for a moment for a clothing adjustment while the others went ahead. I put the bike in turbo and pedaled hard like I would on a normal bike to catch up and found myself easily getting back on. I find the 1x drive train excellent and I like the simplicity.



    Worth every one of those many many pennies...

    I have had this 11 months now, and I continues to grow on me. I have done some 4000kms on it. I live in South Australia so we are on European standards here with a 25kph limit. Mine actually cuts out at 27.4kph which is very handy. I have taken some time to get used to the Mission Control app, and now I have my own setting which it defaults to [I call it ECO+] . This gives me enough power, but not enough to embarrass my fellow riders and get ribbed for being a 'Cheat'. This enables me to cover good distances on one battery charge, the longest being 107km, and still 6% left, and that is going up and down rises of up to 100+m. There is really nothing to dislike for me with this bike. Its a good comfortable ride with the future shock at its softest, and the tires at 55lbs. I am 72kg and have Arthritis, and poor circulation, with some knee pain. I am in my 73rd year. My old Carbon Bike was too bumpy even after switching to 28mm tyres, and I could not keep up with our group which do about 25kph average... On the one steep climb here in our State I can get through 50% of the battery, in a 50min climb [700m] the extra battery is absolutely ideal for that. Finally I have had NO issues with any of the electronics and drive. its a 2020 model.

    Riverglades R.


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    클리오는 근력이 약한 나에게 힘을 줍니다. 걱정없는 장거리 파트너가 되었습니다. 보조 밧데리를 살수 없네요. 좀더 멀리 걱정 없이 달릴수 있도록 보조 밧데리를 구매할수있도록 해주세요.

    Verified Buyer


    Nicht gesucht und doch gefunden....

    Seit 2012 fahre ich ein Roubaix SL3 mit Ui-2 Schaltgruppe. Ein Rad, mit dem ich immer zufrieden war und schon sehr viele Kilometer ""gefressen"" habe. Mit Aufkommen der Gravel-Bikes stieg mein Interesse an dieser Gattung als perfektes Crossover eines Rennrads mit Offroad-Möglichkeiten. Mein Sprung in's kalte Wasser (ohne das Bike vorher Probe gefahren zu sein) wurde belohnt - ich habe das bekommen, was ich wollte und habe unbändigen Spaß mit dem Rad. Seit der Abholung am 23.09. habe ich in Summe knapp 500 km damit abgespult und verschiedenste Terrains probiert. Die Grenzen durfte ich auch schon kennenlernen und muß sagen, daß ich sehr erstaunt bin, was alles mit diesem Bike (und dem trotzdem notwendigen fahrerischen Geschick) möglich ist. Die sehr gutmütige und trotzdem agile Auslegung lädt auch zu langen Touren ein und daher würde ich das Bike auch als tourentauglich bezeichnen. Das Roubaix bleibt deshalb nicht in der Ecke stehen, doch fahre ich auch Turns ohne (Motor-)Unterstützung vermehrt mit dem Creo, da es um einiges komfortabler in der Auslegung ist als das Roubaix... Kurzum - ich bin 100% zufrieden und glücklich und kann dieses Bike jedem nur wärmstens empfehlen!

    Verified Buyer


    Brilliantly conceived bicycle

    I am writing this review as an ex competitive cyclist who converted to competitive running 13 years. My wife and I bought a bike each as a way of being able to enjoy cycling without impacting too much on our running. I was sceptical in a number of ways about an eGravel bike such as a 1x setup and whether the assistance would be quick enough being limited to 25Km/h. However, I have been absolutely blown away by it. Firstly, the freedom a gravel bike provides is really liberating as it opens up so much more riding potential being able to ride off-road as well as on-road. The 1x setup is surprisingly good, I am a bit of a traditionalist thinking that a double chainring and close ratio cassette is obligatory but the pedal assistance makes the bigger 1x cassette gaps seem really normal. As for the motor, this is quite superb as it is tuned to react to higher pedal revs which makes it feel really natural to ride and encourages more efficient pedalling. The transition from assisted pedalling to non-assisted is really smooth and almost imperceptible and the 25Km/h limit is no problem at all. The bike is really comfortable but still gives an exciting and lively ride but and is reassuring when the going gets more challenging. Overall, eBiking is the way forward and Specialized have done an absolutely great job with the Turbo Creo Evo.

    Jonny B.
