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    Stix Elite Headlight



    4 レビュー

    夜昼を問わず多くの場面で使えるライトのメリットははかりしれません。Stix Eliteヘッドライトがあれば、強力で明るい収束光で夜道を照らすことも、昼間に使って…


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    夜昼を問わず多くの場面で使えるライトのメリットははかりしれません。Stix Eliteヘッドライトがあれば、強力で明るい収束光で夜道を照らすことも、昼間に使って視認性と安全性を高め、いっそうの安心感を持ってライドすることもできます。ステディ・ハイ(高光量常時点灯)モードでは133ルーメンの収束光を放つこのStixは、真に“よく前が見える”ヘッドライト。6種類の照射モードがあって昼も夜も複数の選択肢からモードを選べ、持続時間は最大112時間です(モードによって相違)。また、USB端子内蔵のため、ケーブルなしで簡単に充電ができます。

    • 出力:12~133 ルーメン。

    • 12 to 132 lumens output.

    • 球面レンズが前方を見るためのビームパターンを生み、補助LEDのフレネルレンズは広い角度からの視認性を提供。

    • Spherical lens delivers a to-see-by beam pattern. Fresnel lenses for secondary LEDs provide wide angle visibility.

    • 持続時間:2.4~112時間

    • 2.4- to 92-hour runtime.

    • あらゆるラップトップパソコンや携帯電話充電器のUSBポートに対応し、特別なケーブルは不要。充電時間は2時間。

    • Charge in the USB port of any laptop or phone charger in two hours (no extra cables needed).

    • フレキシブルなマウントは直径22.2から35mmのハンドルバーに対応。

    • Flexible mounting system works with handlebars from 22.2mm up to 35mm in diameter.

    • 6種類の動作モード:ステディ・ハイ(74ルーメン)、ステディ・ロー(38ルーメン)、パワー・サージ(97ルーメン)、パワー・フラッシュ(133ルーメン)、ディスコ・フラッシュ(63ルーメン)、エコ・フラッシュ(12ルーメン)

    • Six modes including: Steady High (74 lumens), Steady Low (38 lumens), Power Surge (97 lumens), Power Flash (132 lumens), Disco Flash (63 lumens), Eco Flash (12 lumens).

    • 赤/緑のバッテリー残量インジケーター。

    • Red/Green battery charge level indicator.

    • 別売で取り付け用部品のオプションもご用意。

    • Additional mounting options available separately.



    4 レビュー


    Liked at first, then failed

    Worked great at first, now does not charge. It was frankly a waste of money. This is the second one that failed.



    Great headlight!

    Nominal weight for such a beacon of light. Excellent settings and one can definitely be seen in daylight or dark cycling conditions.



    Everyone should have a light!

    Lights are a necessity now. The Stix lights are excellent and easy to use. For the last year I have used both a taillight and headlight on my bike while riding regardless of the time of day. They are easy to install, remove, and charge. I charge my lights every 2-3 rides to make sure they are always ready to go. I have never had a light bounce off and they even stay on my bike while on the highway at 75 mph. Great product, minimal care necessary, bright.

    T J.


    Very impressed, extremely compact and bright.

    I got this light for my wife's specialized mountain bike. I really prefer things that are minimalistic and have a great fit and finished look without some ostentatious, bulky, cheap look. I admit I was willing to sacrifice a little battery life if it was bright and fit the way I/we wanted. I have to say that it has far exceeded all our hopes. Its fit is almost completely non-noticable, way brighter than I expected or even hoped, and the battery life for our use is amazing. Pair the great battery with the fact that the entire light is the size of a USB drive (and that's how it charges...plug the male USB end directly into a usb port for charging) and you've got the makings of the best headlight we could ever ask for. That's what I did, asked my wife for one for my bike this Christmas!

    Captain B.
