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    Power Pro Elaston



    12 レビュー

    SPECIALIZEDの新しいPower Pro Elastonサドルは、他にはない単独カテゴリーの製品といっていいでしょう。私たちはまず、非常に軽いサドルにすることに焦点を合わせました。必然的に、高剛性のFACTカーボンシェルと耐久性の高いチタンレールを使う設計になります。一方、男性と女性両方の要求に応えるために開発されたBody…


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    SPECIALIZEDの新しいPower Pro Elastonサドルは、他にはない単独カテゴリーの製品といっていいでしょう。私たちはまず、非常に軽いサドルにすることに焦点を合わせました。必然的に、高剛性のFACTカーボンシェルと耐久性の高いチタンレールを使う設計になります。一方、男性と女性両方の要求に応えるために開発されたBody Geometryデザインは、ライダーがどんなポジションでも――アグレッシブなポジションでは特に――卓越したパフォーマンスができるよう助けます。SPECIALIZEDはこの点について血流試験と圧力マッピング試験で広く実証済みです。それを生かして、可能な限り最軽量レベルのパッディングを実現しました。このElastonと、同じPowerシリーズの姉妹品との違いはそこにあります。

    従来のポリウレタンパッディングに代えて、微小なビーズを加熱発泡させて作るElastonフォームを使用。その結果は、ひとかたまりの発泡素材の上に座っているのではなく、まるでミニチュアの枕1000個の上に座っているような心地よさです。快適さを保つために、特に幅広で長さのあるBody Geometryチャネルと短めのノーズを採用し、座骨を適切に支持する設計にしてあります。

    • 特許取得のBody Geometry設計。ラボのテストで、男女を問わず敏感な部分の動脈血流を確保することが実証済み。

    • 支持力とライドコンプライアンスを考えて最適に調整された、高剛性のFACTカーボンファイバー製シェル。

    • Elastonフォーム素材が長時間のライドでも比類ない快適性とサポート力を提供。

    • 軽量で耐久性の高い中空チタンレール。

    • レベル1パッディング:バイクと身体が最も直接的に連結される、 一番低いレベルのパッディング。

    • SWAT™ に適合するマウントがサドルベースに付いているので、スマートな一体型収納ソリューションを利用可能。

    • サイズ 143㎜/重量 231g

    • サイズ 155㎜/重量 235g



    12 レビュー


    Ideal para montadas largas (+

    Ideal para montadas largas (+ de 6 horas)

    Verified Buyer
    Guest G.


    Riding is Fun Again

    I have had the absolute worst luck with saddles over the last few months. I've gone through 5 saddles so far, and this one finally helped riding become fun (and comfortable) again. I use this on my XC MTB and have logged multiple marathon-length and shorter rides on it and have experienced zero discomfort. The padding/cushioning is perfect and I feel like the saddle adapts well to my body during my rides. I absolutely recommend this saddle!

    Sunshine L.


    I purchased two of these seats

    This is a very comfortable seat; however, it takes some effort to insure the proper angle and position of the seat. It took me about 5 rides of 20 miles or so each to get these factors correct. Once I did, the seat is among the most comfortable i have ever had. Also, because its a short saddle, it allows you extra leg movement, especially for climbing. I highly recommend this seat, just be prepared to spend some time getting the comfort level you need.



    Jury out

    I have about 100 miles on this and am still fiddling with the fore-aft adjustment, which seems super sensitive. Saddle needs to be LEVEL, with esp. no subtle upward nose tilt. I hope to get a pro fitter to help me, when one comes available, but I seem close to getting it dialed in. I like the short nose, keeps my junk from going numb.

    David C.


    Most Comfortable Saddle I Own

    I recently bought Roubaix that had the Body Geometry Power saddle on it, I like it so much I did a little research and found the Pro Elaston and bought it. I like it so much that I bought a second one for my Diverge and I Highly Recommend it

    The M.


    Love it!

    It's perfect for me and my riding style...I love it!



    Padding level 2

    Its good and comfy. But the padding level are 2 instead of 1. Now i am using this saddle on my xcmtb. Its a shame that this is misleading on the padding level, i would rather have this on my road bike.



    Had my doubts, but so far a convert!

    Went to my local bike store and asked them about saddles. My Levo Expert's stock saddle had not worked for me and I had bought a bigger seat with a lot more level 4 padding. Unfortunately it wasnt that much better which was perplexing. They then told me theyd fit my seat bones and suggest a better seat. Then they suggest this seat with a hollow center and rather thin padding... I though oh this cant be better. Told them I didn't want to less padding, they then said take it ride for a week and if it isn't for you just return it. Hmmm, eh I was wrong and its best seat I have had so far. No more complaints. Despite my doubts it works very well.

    Vase L.


    Almost perfect!

    I have a few of these Power saddles and have landed on them (pardon the pun) after a long hunt for a saddle that works for me. They're great. I have wide sit bones and hate saddles that are too long, too heavy, or too cushy (or too hard). This latest iteration is amazing. My only minor complaint is that it could use another 10-15% more padding - or maybe offer a model that has a bit more cush. Of course, maybe I just need to log more miles to build callous. This is the only saddle I've found out there that has such a wide profile but is also light and comfortable. It is nearly perfect.



    New saddle w/less rubbing!

    Long term rider of Romin & Romin Pro saddles but as the saddle would age I was getting extra soreness so BG Fit specialist recommended the Power saddle and now the newer model w/Elaston. I'm loving them cause now I don't even think about my saddle which is exactly what I want from a seat. 150 mile Gravel Worlds race and no issues. Now happily riding Power saddles on my Crux and Venge.

    The T.


    Most comfortable saddle I have ridden!

    I use the Power Saddle on my mountain and road bikes. The first few rides were uncomfortable, but after I figured out how to move around on it I loved it! Even if I forget my bib shorts, I'm still able to comfortably ride for 15-20 miles.

    Scotty D.


    Amazing Comfort!

    Purchased a slightly used Tarmac Pro from our Pro Team rider and switched out the former ""race"" saddle to this. SO much more rider friendly. Great fit and looks good too.

    Incycle P.
