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    Enduro Comp Shorts



    4 レビュー

    エンデューロは、上りも下りも含むオールラウンドなライドとして位置づけられます。その名が付いたEnduro Comp Shortsは、トレイルをオールラウンドに走れるためのデザインを採用し、高い快適性、便利な特徴、あらゆるトレイルに挑むのに適した丈夫さを備えています。…





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    エンデューロは、上りも下りも含むオールラウンドなライドとして位置づけられます。その名が付いたEnduro Comp Shortsは、トレイルをオールラウンドに走れるためのデザインを採用し、高い快適性、便利な特徴、あらゆるトレイルに挑むのに適した丈夫さを備えています。


    フィットに関してはほどよくゆったりとしていて、ブカブカ過ぎることはありません。また、裾が膝裏(Demoショーツより約7.6センチ短め)となるようにカットし、薄手のプロテクターやニーパッドを着用できるようにしました。また、ポケットにアイテムを入れてもずり落ちないようにするための調整用タブを左右の腰に備えています。そしてライドを通年楽しめるようにするため、Enduro Compショーツには撥水加工も施されています。

    • VaporRize™編込生地は撥水加工が施され、丈夫で伸縮性に優れ、全体的な軽さにも貢献します。

    • SWAT™アクセスサイドジッパーはSWAT™ビブショーツとシームレスに一体化して、ギアや補給食をすばやく取り出せます。

    • 左右の腰の調整用タブにより、ポケットにアイテムが入っていてもパンツのフィットを簡単に調整できます。

    • 有害な紫外線から肌を守るDeflect™ UV 50+。

    • 股下は13.5インチ(サイズ:34)で、広く開いた裾が膝裏低めに位置するため、ニーパッドを中に着用する場合に最適です。

    • 素材:ナイロン89%、スパンデックス11%



    4 レビュー


    Great Deal

    Great shorts

    Dr P.


    Heck yeah!

    They dry quickly and they move with me. The fabric isn't at all grabby and is quite forgiving if I skipped a day on my roadie leg grooming. The pockets are better for town riding and SWAT liner bibs are the way to go for all other storage needs. I couldn't imagine having my keys in a front pocket on a ride.

    Jeff, B.



    These are nice quality shorts, but they do NOT have any zippered pockets when the description states they have two. I didn't notice this until I had already cut the tags off and washed these for my husband, but had I noticed before it was too late, these would have been returned. Big letdown; these were a Father's Day gift. :-(

    Wife B.


    Enduro Comp First Impressions

    Nice looking shorts. I was disappointed to learn the description text is incorrect for this item. The pockets are NOT zippered; there are NOT two zippered pockets on the Enduro Comp shorts. The SWAT pocket is zippered but why? This is an access port and the zipper seals nothing in. I would prefer a zippered pocket to the access port. Without a SWAT compatible liner, this access port is useless. Wihout zippers on the pockets, there is no way to truly seal and secure a key or a wedding ring, etc. I'm not a fan of all the velcro. There's velcro on the double buttons which reminds me of the type of fastener you'd find on board shorts. In the water, I like the extra security of two buttons and velcro, but on mountain bike shorts it seems unnecessary. I have never had an issue with my MTB shorts coming undone, but I suppose it's better safe than sorry. There's additional velcro on both hips at the waist. Velcro lined plastic tabs on an elastic band allow you to dial in and cinch up the waist. This works fine, but again, I'm not a fan of velcro or the plastic tabs. I guess they look kind of cool? I think the system Fox Ranger shorts utilize with the 'strap and hook' is a cleaner, more simple, and more effective design... and no velcro. I wish Specialized would have taken another cue from the Fox shorts too; the hip pocket. Energy bars fit great in this pocket and they are out of the way; you don't even know you have a bar in this pocket while riding. Placing a bar in either of the Enduro Comp pockets puts a big lump on the top of your leg; you notice it with every revolution. These shorts look great and the materials and construction seem top notch. On the bike, the shorts perform well and have a nice tailored fit; not too baggy - not too tight. I'm 6'2 175lbs 34w.

