After about 1,200 miles, I'm happier with this bike. I'm still not totally sold on the geometry, but I've grown more confident in the bike's performance with time. Pros: Light, fast and compliant. The AXS shifting is very good - not perfect, but very good. The shifting is crisp, and stays in adjustment, but the drivetrain is unforgiving of poor maintenance. Keep it clean and lubed or it'll be loud and cranky. The brakes are excellent - great modulation, and fantastic stopping power. With a spare set of wheels and "roadier" tires, there's no need for a road bike. The power seat is very comfortable, and keeps you firmly planted. This is an all-day comfortable, "do-everything" bike. Cons: Price and availability. Too slack a frame makes it feel numb compared to my old cyclocross bike, but I found that I eventually got used to it. The turn-in is not confidence-inspiring, and the handling is twitchy - it doesn't track well. Matte paint: looks cool, seems fragile.