I've had an opportunity to ride my new Aethos a few times and I couldn't be happier with the way it rides, the way it handles...
I bought it off the website and had it shipped to my home. I was very impressed with the packing system, super easy to get the bike set up. That said, I don't know if it came from the factory this way or if it was done as part of the pre-build for a 'ship to home' purchase, BUT both the hydraulic hoses were cut at the absolute minimum length for the setup as it came out of the box. My position preferences required a switch to a 12cm stem and a 40cm bar, plus I removed 1cm of spacers. If I had not switched to the narrower bar, the hoses would've been too short. If I had wanted to switch to Roval Rapide bars and disconnected the hoses to route them through the bar, they'd have been too short to cut and install a new Stealthamajig, as is required when you disconnect the hoses. IOW, leave a little slack!