This bike eats rocks like a... freaking... rock-eater...? It's heavy, and you feel it going up the hills, but it takes the rocks and drops like a pro. If you do a lot of smooth flow riding, this probably isn't the right bike, you can find something lighter and jumpier. I find it more difficult to do bunny hops on this bike, probably from the weight and long wheel base. If you're taking on rough downhills, this bike is great. It's not perfect, but a perfect-ish bike with that much travel will cost you 3x as much.
The frame does seem REALLY solid. You could probably run it over with a truck. Flip chip is cool, although I wish it produced more than 0.5° difference.
Mullet is kinda weird to ride, but that's simply a spec of the bike, if you don't want a mullet bike, don't get a mullet bike.
Pros: plenty of travel, nice suspension, decent drivetrain, great price for what it is
Cons: heavy, could use an even lower gear, handlebars too wide