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The Hardrock'R is a long-lasting tire with an aggressive, yet smooth rolling, tread with multi-directional knobs that are sure to improve traction and cornering over mixed terrain. And with the added benefit of Flak Jacket flat protection, you'll be sure to hit it all with confidence and control.

Rider Reviews

  • 4.7
  • 31 Reviews


Bought a pair for my daughter’s mountain bike, I like the aggressive tread, she will enjoy the “feel” of these. Would like to know more about the puncture resistance, just for my information. Thanks.



Glad I bought these

Actual riding experience on mountain bike trails (DTE Michigan) these tires give good grip, climbing, cornering, braking. Solid grip, no washing out or surprises with loss of grip.



Awesome Gravel Tire!

I live off grid about 12 miles from town, and have been using these on my electric mountain bike. Love them! I haul packages like groceries home, and they're holding up really well, not a lot of wear. Had an unlucky side wall slice probably from a sharp rock? Otherwise they're doing great! Replaced the sliced tire, then went on a mini road trip, 2 days of 100 miles each. Now they're broken in a bit! haha Definitely Recommended!

Would Recommend?

Verified Buyer


Carlin C.


Seem to be thorn proof!

My girlfriend and I managed to ride through a patch of goatheads growing onto Gene Autry trail (mostly cement bike path). I pulled no less than 25 goatheads from each tire on my bike with well used HardRock'rs and only slightly fewer on my girlfriends bike, with new CST Heathens. Her tires were flat in minutes as we started to walk to the car. I figured mine would both be flat in the morning. The next morning I replaced both tubes in her CST tires. My tires were still inflated, neither was flat - I'm simply amazed. I know what tires I'm buying from now on...

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Sticky and slippy

These tires are great for so many reasons. They are very strong and can take a seriously jagged rock which overall is why I got them. They are super thorn-resistant, I even ran over a sharp tac, it stuck in the tire but didn't go through so in that sense they are great. However, the downfall of this tire is the grip is pretty bad. I actually think it grips 3/5 over-packed in the dirt. 5/5 on black top, 3/5 on regular cement. They slide okay on packed-in dirt, they grab loose dirt really well, and they don't fling a huge amount of water and dirt which is nice. They are fairly lightweight so that's a bonus and cheap. The tread run out from the factory was a little all over the place. The center seam was not perfectly symmetrical meaning the tire didn't line up with itself all the way through which is a 0/5. I will not try them again because of that. One of the two tires shouldn't have passed quality control. Had they both been perfect they might have gained another star.



Hardrock'R Tires

Nothing new to report on Hardrock'R Tires. Tread should be resistant to thorns due to thickness. Need to mention the thickness, or thinness, of the sidewalls though. Rides great for a chunky tire tread, smooth and quiet.

Would Recommend?

Verified Buyer


Kenneth I.



Specialized Hardrock'R are better than my previous brand of tires (Size: 29x1.95), quieter, better grip on any surface, chunkier (Size: 29x2.0) along with Specialized Thorn Resistant Tubes. A sidewall thickness (or thinness) may cause a sidewall "blossom" with impact.



Better grip on/off road, Quieter

Specialized Hardrock’R tires are better than my previous brand of tires (29x1.95), quieter, and chunkier (29x2.0), with better grip on any surface. Also got a set (26x2.0) for my cross-country bike along with Specialized thorn resistant tubes. Only noticeable difference is the thickness (or thinness) of the sidewalls which ripples until tire pressure is added. May cause "blossoms" with impacts to the sidewalls.




Better than my previous set of tires (29x1.95), quieter, better grip, chunkier (29x2.0), a better feel on any surface. Also got another set (26x2.0) for my cross-country bike along with Specialized thorn resistant tubes. The only noticeable difference which you can see, and feel is the sidewall thickness which ripples until you add tire pressure. May cause a sidewall "blossom" with scrapes and direct impacts to the sidewall.



Hardrock'R: Better grip on/off road, quieter

Much better than my previous set of tires (29x1.95), quieter, better grip, chunkier (29x2.0), better feel on any surface. Also got another set (26x2.0) for my cross-country bike along with the Specialized thorn resistant tubes. The only noticeable difference which you can see, and feel is the sidewall thickness which ripples until you add tire pressure. May cause a sidewall "blossom" with scrapes and impacts. Be careful out there!

