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    Pobegni Hitreje


    Ah, stranske, skrite ceste in stezice - svoboda, pustolovščina, doživetja. Vaš ključ do odklepanja se začne s pravim orodjem za te užitke. Ne glede na to, ali boste lovili najboljše čase na makadamu, kolesarili v neznano ali uživali na singletrack stezicah, imamo kolesa, ki jih potrebujete. Vaša zgodba je tam zunaj. Poiščite jo.

    Diverge STR With Front And Rear Future Shock

    Smoother Is Faster

    With front and rear Future Shock suspension, the new Divere STR delivers compliance without compromise. By suspending the rider - instead of th ebike - Future Shock technology increases control and efficiency while decreasing fatique, so you'll be riding farther and faster over chunkler terrain than you believed possible. And the Diverge STR does this without the weight, sluggish pedal response, and inefficiency of other suspension systems.


    The Ultimate Getaway Vehicle

    Ko je pot pred vami dolga in zahtevna, je gladka vožnja, ki prinaša samozavest, hitrost in udobje, obvezna. Spoznajte Future Shock. Omogoča gladko in samozavestno vožnjo po različnih terenih, hkrati pa ohrani okvir trd in pripravljen za učinkovit prenos moči in natančno upravljanje.

    Suspend the Rider

    Future Shock Technology

    When the road ahead is long and challenging, a smooth ride that delivers confidence, speed, and comfort is mandatory. Future Shock Technology absorbs bump forces with damped, tunable travel to boost your control and capability while retaining the efficiency and responsiveness of a rigid frame. Power to the pedals makes the bike jump, and input at the bars is direct and precise. You’re efficient, you’re comfortable, you’re in control. Your bike is light, nimble, and responsive.


    Fastest in Gravel

    Decades of cross-country victories and our Body Geometry method have created the best line-up of shoes in gravel. With our extensive Recon Family, whether you chase the podium or the sunset, you’ll put your best foot forward.

    The Speed You Want, The Traction You Need

    Pathfinder Tires

    Pathfinder delivers the versatility and durability that adventure and gravel rides demand, yet it's so fast that it won the biggest gravel race on Earth multiple times—Unbound Gravel. Fast-rolling, lots of grip, and built to handle the worst gravel you can imagine—you'll be whooping with joy, not hollering in frustration.

    Turbo Creo SL EVO

    The Power to Ride More Gravel

    Asfalt in Makadam


    Hitro kotaljenje z zaupanja vredno vodljivostjo po pločniku in makadamu.

    Asfalt / Makadam / Stezice


    Izjemna kombinacija hitrosti in oprijema za mešane podlage.

    Mehko / Mokro


    Oprijem za delovanje v umazaniji skupaj z visokimi hitrostmi.

    Mehek / Mešan


    Vrhunski nadzor nad mehkim makadamom in umazanijo za popolno zaupanje.



    Agresiven profil za agresivno vožnjo po najbolj zahtevnih terenih.



    Oprijem za zaviranja in pospeške v mokrih in blatnih pogojih.


    Gravel Oprema

    Ne glede na vašo definicijo pustolovščine, imamo orodje za vas. Potrebujete gravel dirkalno kolo za Dirty Kanza, ki lahko premaga tudi požarne ceste in singletrack? Diverge, preverite. Želite nekaj za kolesarjenje in kolesarske ture? Sequoia, preverite. Gravel pnevmatike, čevlji, kolesarske čelade, oblačila - po želji, razvili smo opremo, ki je kot nalašč za vašo naslednjo avanturo na mešanih terenih.